They live every where after their spring hatch/outbreak. They are Everywhere.. floating in the air, inside and especially outside.. They do hitch rides on all pets and clothing.. If anyone else has a better explanation than I'm all ears! They freakishly come outta nowhere.. Preventive Measures are essential for proper spider mite control. i.e. cold pressed neem oil, tomato leaf soaked water ( it's a real thing), diatomaceous earth. mosquito dunks just to name a few.After removing plants with spider mites how should I go about cleaning my area? How long can spider mites and eggs stay alive without plants to feed on? Can they live within carpets, clothing, or other belongings? Any help is greatly appreciated thank you
They can over winter in diapause mode for over a year. Spider mites is something you forever have to keep a look out for and always clean, defoliate, remove mottled leaves. I like 70% isopropyl mixed 50/50 with water. Spray all walls, floors etc. Kills adults but won't kill eggs.After removing plants with spider mites how should I go about cleaning my area? How long can spider mites and eggs stay alive without plants to feed on? Can they live within carpets, clothing, or other belongings? Any help is greatly appreciated thank you
Bug Bomb!!The funny thing is I vacuumed the carpets to the best of my ability and bleached my whole tent inside and out and yet there still back it's very sad
Use the bug bombs for fleas, bedbugs and lice. It takes care of them quickly.Bug Bomb!!