spider mite life cycle


Well-Known Member
well I just spent the whole day pouting because I thought I had spider mites, but I might not. But whatever I have they make webs on my bud, and apparently can chew threw my stem : (


Well-Known Member
Are those real mogie? or are you making those up, because I just cut down a HUGE cola because of these damn things, and im still in a bad mood : (

They seem to have black dots all in the webs. They dont appear to be chewing my leafs, just spinning tight webs in my bud, that seem to be causing bud rot or something. Just making the leafs around the bud turn brown.


Well-Known Member
lol... im in sucha bad mood but you still make me laugh. Well I guess im going to just wake up tomorow and hope that the rest of the big white widow colas are not infected. Thanks for the laugh mogster


Well-Known Member
So you say that those little red bugs arent spider mites what are they then ive had them thinking, they are spider mites . I sprayed and cleaned and havent seen them for days now , what were they then ?


Well-Known Member
So you say that those little red bugs arent spider mites what are they then ive had them thinking, they are spider mites . I sprayed and cleaned and havent seen them for days now , what were they then ?
What did you use to spray & clean? I would love to know what is reccomended. Any tips on application would be sweet.

I've seen few small webs, with some little clear and black critters on a few of my plants.