Spider mite problems. help.


Well-Known Member
Spider mites are working over my one thc bomb plant it needs one more week. Will the mites jump off after harvest. I m undecided what to do kill them or just harvest a little early . They have destroyed my fan leaves and any other leaf that's not bud and have cut my yield in half. The funny part is I have three other plants less then 10 foot away with no mites. It's a different strain and my keeper for the past 2 years. It's called Ganja.
How bad are they? Is it just leaf damage or have they actually started to web? If they are webbing I would chop now and cut your losses. If they are just a mild case then spray with spinosad.
They are eating the fans and every sugar leaf close to the bud. Will they get off the bud after I cut and hang dry in the barn.
Azamax will help and it can be sprayed up to day of harvest ....I've had to use it late in flower a few times ......no issues ....but it's not a kill on contact it's an antifeedent pics would help us judge if you only got a week left