Spider mites 2 weeks from flower.


Active Member
I was just told I have spider mites. I don't have access to a hose to soak it off. I can use a shower if neccessary, and also have a spray bottle. If I can't get them all off, is it true that they will all fall of while its hanging? I don't want to be smoking bugs.


Well-Known Member
after the mighty wash do a power wash by npk industries, lemme know how the power wash works since I haven't used it.


Active Member
I will pick some up tomorrow. What do I spray? just under the leaves or on the nugs too? This FUCKING SUCKS


Well-Known Member
first time I've seen more mite than trichs :/
man you let that go way too long, get a scope and use it.


Well-Known Member
you could dunk those fuckers in mighty wash if that was possible, if not just make sure you spray completely and expect to do it again and again.


Active Member
At this point all I care about is saving my herb from being trash. Fixing it seems out of grasp so I just need to make it to trimming day.


Active Member
so get some might wash, spray the plant like multiple times a day? Were starting the 2 week flush on monday.


Well-Known Member
good luck with it, and if you have a continuing grow going grab the 5 gallon jug, it will cost you a little less than a hundred and a half (US dollars) but at that price is way better than the gallon price.


Well-Known Member
Pick off the dead and badly diseased leaves. This infestation will probably lower yield and delay flowering somewhat. Make sure you buy the Power Wash to neutralize the acidity of the Mighty Wash.


Well-Known Member
you don't have to go overboard and spray multiple times per day unless you want to I suppose, get a scope too so you can see what areas need attention, IF you hit them with mighty wash they will die, eggs too, this is important. but you have to hit them.