Well-Known Member
So my harvest window just opened up and I'm looking at my girls with a microscope to see what's going on. Things are looking nice, 85% cloud, 5% clear, and 10%amber. Great. Until I saw my first spider mite. FUCK! WTF IS THAT!? figured it was a spider mite looked up spider mites and lo and behold, they're spider mites. Now the speckling makes sense that wasn't a deficiency so what now? I'm ready to cut and my girls are crawling with these motherfuckers. Now from what I've read the last couple hours trolling around my best option seems to be a hot 15min bath in 115F water to kill these fuckers and then hang in front of a fan to dry up the excess water. No webs yet just tons of the little fuckers. Upon closer examination they can be clearly seen top and bottom. Leaves are fully speckeld. Just wondering what your thoughts and opinions are.