Spider Mites at Harvest......


Well-Known Member
So my harvest window just opened up and I'm looking at my girls with a microscope to see what's going on. Things are looking nice, 85% cloud, 5% clear, and 10%amber. Great. Until I saw my first spider mite. FUCK! WTF IS THAT!? figured it was a spider mite looked up spider mites and lo and behold, they're spider mites. Now the speckling makes sense that wasn't a deficiency so what now? I'm ready to cut and my girls are crawling with these motherfuckers. Now from what I've read the last couple hours trolling around my best option seems to be a hot 15min bath in 115F water to kill these fuckers and then hang in front of a fan to dry up the excess water. No webs yet just tons of the little fuckers. Upon closer examination they can be clearly seen top and bottom. Leaves are fully speckeld. Just wondering what your thoughts and opinions are.20160805_191531.jpg
So my harvest window just opened up and I'm looking at my girls with a microscope to see what's going on. Things are looking nice, 85% cloud, 5% clear, and 10%amber. Great. Until I saw my first spider mite. FUCK! WTF IS THAT!? figured it was a spider mite looked up spider mites and lo and behold, they're spider mites. Now the speckling makes sense that wasn't a deficiency so what now? I'm ready to cut and my girls are crawling with these motherfuckers. Now from what I've read the last couple hours trolling around my best option seems to be a hot 15min bath in 115F water to kill these fuckers and then hang in front of a fan to dry up the excess water. No webs yet just tons of the little fuckers. Upon closer examination they can be clearly seen top and bottom. Leaves are fully speckeld. Just wondering what your thoughts and opinions are.View attachment 3750313

If you are about to harvest, dont kill them instead let them leave when you hang your harvest but hang it away from your grow. Killing them on the plant will affect the taste unless you can somehow pick them back out which would be near impossible lol. After harvest i would also clean the fuck out of everything.
If you are about to harvest, dont kill them instead let them leave when you hang your harvest but hang it away from your grow. Killing them on the plant will affect the taste unless you can somehow pick them back out which would be near impossible lol. After harvest i would also clean the fuck out of everything.
Heard a few people say this. Have you tried this method before? What about all the eggs? Definitely agree though after harvest my new tent is getting a major cleaning. They had the mites from outside just didn't realize that's what it was. Never looked under the leaves or saw moving critters on top before. Oh well time to evict the little fuckers.
Heard a few people say this. Have you tried this method before? What about all the eggs? Definitely agree though after harvest my new tent is getting a major cleaning. They had the mites from outside just didn't realize that's what it was. Never looked under the leaves or saw moving critters on top before. Oh well time to evict the little fuckers.
Mites can only thrive on living plants under lights, you hang up in a dark area and whatever is living will crawl to the top of the flowers and leave to find another home. Yes I've done it before and the smoke was still nasty but 1000 mites taste much worse then 100 mites lmao.
I don't know about you guys but I'm not about to smoke spider mites. I'd throw them away and start over. The answer you don't want to hear is usually the right answer mate. Don't want that smoke to bite you in the arse later on.
I don't know about you guys but I'm not about to smoke spider mites. I'd throw them away and start over. The answer you don't want to hear is usually the right answer mate. Don't want that smoke to bite you in the arse later on.
spider mites are tiny, you probably HAVE smoked them tons of times without even knowing. Its their webs that really ruin buds,
Considering I only smoke my own bud and I've never had spider mites, I've never smoked them. I smoke buds mate not insects.
You've never smoked anything other then your own homegrown? You grew before you toked? Never smoked outdoor bud?

@Dankeh_fever but you'll kill them and they will get stuck between trichs, you'll probably end up smoking more mites this way
You've never smoked anything other then your own homegrown? You grew before you toked? Never smoked outdoor bud?

@Dankeh_fever but you'll kill them and they will get stuck between trichs, you'll probably end up smoking more mites this way
thanks bro, i never tried it. havent had mites in years. have you used doc bud's bud washing technique?
Considering I only smoke my own bud and I've never had spider mites, I've never smoked them. I smoke buds mate not insects.

Thats cool to have only ever smoked buds you have grown. I smoked for 10 years before staring to grow and have no doubts that i have smoked a wide variety of shit that shouldn't have been there and were a lot more harmful than mites like pesticides ect.
No i haven't, i dont feel the need to wash indoor bud because i use 8mm hepa filters with scrubbers

Was wondering how you knew the "mites were trapped" in washed bud. I think the doc bud gang are under the impression that their washing routing will remove mites. Ill reread their claims when i get a sec.
So my harvest window just opened up and I'm looking at my girls with a microscope to see what's going on. Things are looking nice, 85% cloud, 5% clear, and 10%amber. Great. Until I saw my first spider mite. FUCK! WTF IS THAT!? figured it was a spider mite looked up spider mites and lo and behold, they're spider mites. Now the speckling makes sense that wasn't a deficiency so what now? I'm ready to cut and my girls are crawling with these motherfuckers. Now from what I've read the last couple hours trolling around my best option seems to be a hot 15min bath in 115F water to kill these fuckers and then hang in front of a fan to dry up the excess water. No webs yet just tons of the little fuckers. Upon closer examination they can be clearly seen top and bottom. Leaves are fully speckeld. Just wondering what your thoughts and opinions are.View attachment 3750313

do you have a co2 setup?