Spider Mites Day 26 Flowering


Well-Known Member
I have a slight case of spider mites. Im in a pretty jam packed grow room and that is what worries me. I used some bug bombs early on, but they have returned now on day 26 of flowering. Its a 60 day strain.

Any Ideas? I am using a spray the local shop sold me, and am doing my best to spray everywhere, its almost impossible, I know I am not getting to some areas. However I dont want to use anything that will affect the end product in any way. So if anybody has delt with this issue, I would appreciate the input. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
make your call: affecting the end product in a slight way using an organic spray (hopefully this is what they sold you) that's not toxic but may give a bad taste, or losing it all to the mites.


Well-Known Member
a weak neem spray, i used it in bud, stems earth and leaves is best bet but if you have a lot thats hard work.


Well-Known Member
i had the little nightmares myself, and in flower, i did have luck with a commercial(but organic) spray made of rosemary, peppermint, thyme, and clove oils
a method that has convinced me(but haven't tried), is dunking - flip plant and immerse in a bucket of your choice mite killer
obviously could be disastrous if the hold on the plants/soil slips


Well-Known Member
there are many things you can do to help control them. step one would be release predators (ladybugs,predator mites, pirate bug, and praying mantis) in my opinion and then if that did not work i would try spraying. Also, i would try lowering the temperature in your room hot environments create a great environment for pests to reproduce try reducing heat to 60-70 degrees, and also try lowering humidity below 50% to discourage them in the future. there are also many things that can be applied as foiliar sprays such as liquid seaweed this will feed the plant and cause lesions on the bodies of these small critters