Spider mites during harvest

Buzzin like a bumble bee

Well-Known Member
So let's say that spider mites started affecting your plant 2 weeks before harvest. Eventhough it makes all the leaves widdle, how does it affect the weed? Make it less potent? But still smokeable????


New Member
reduced yield, because they suck all the goodness out, your going to be smoking their dead bodies and eggs too, get ready for that salty snap crackle and pop weed,


Well-Known Member
i would still kill all i could before they just make more and more, thats like saying since im smoking 80 i might aswell smokine 10000


Well-Known Member
Do a water cure to get rid of the dead bugs. If you use distilled or RO water to soak the buds in , the water will wash out the bug spray and other junk in your grow.