Spider mites ending my growing career


Well-Known Member
I don't know what that stuff is or where to get it. I'm not in the states so I don't have access to everything here. I'm so fucking pissed I'm literally on the verge of tears. I grew one crop last year that turned out fine. My second crop the spider mites showed up and I haven't been able to finish a single crop since. This time is the last straw, I'm finished and can't take this shit anymore. I'll leave growing up to people who know what they're doing.
Had the same problem. Tears rolling down my face, hair falling out, the whole nine yards. Then I found BANG!. This stuff eats spider mites alive. From major infestation to zip in one week. I had tried everything short of a flame thrower, but this is the real deal. Buy it, it REALLY works. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Haha! I hear ya bro.. no can't say that I have.. but I have bought a few "lady bugs", and they worked really well!! Along side of the spray treatment! Of course I hadn't had "spider-mites" in over 6 yr's! Knock on wood! Lol..