Spider mites just moved in, advice?

why don't you just sulfur burn your whole room?

Ahhhh the smell of rotten egg farts ....nothing beats that:)

Available on ebay.... use in veg only.... AVID & FORBID applied together... Mites are a constant pest in Colorado..we apply at onset to insure a bug free flower

Add 8 drops avid... 5 drops forbid ...in a32oz spray bottle of water...1 application is usually all you will need...spray all your plants
i use a product called Organocide available at home depot. it stinks like fish bad though cause its sesame seed oil diluted into fish oil. but we just had this problem at my buddies grow and here's what we did. he had a really bad infestation so we bought 3 big bricks of dry ice and put all 3 in a 5 gallon bucket with some water. we fogged that whole roomout about 8-12 hours and they were toasted. stay out so you dont pass out and die too! we have no way to measure ppms cause we dont run c02 but we wanted to get as high ppms as we could( 1500 kills everything), so we did it at night when the exhaust was off. lights came on, vented out, no more bugs it was relatively cheap, very quick, and effective.