hey guys my plant is only about a week and a half old and already i seem to be having spider mite problems. i have sprayed it with a neem solution once and they still seem to be moving a day later. what would you suggest i do? any help would be appreciated
get some mitacidal soap and gloves...mix and dip entire plant if possible
if not spray and repeat every four days as the eggs hatch every four days do that till there gone rinse with water a few times before flowering or just start over and clean your grow room mites hate higher humidity but it won't kill them just slow them down a bit sorry hope that helps franks used to carry it maybe home depot
It might be easier to just start over. Spray everything with a bleach solution and let it dry, clean and sterilize everything. Get new soil,make sure everything is sealed off from the elements as best you can. Mites can be a horror to deal with.