Spider Mites or some other insect


Active Member

  • so my cousins homie just brought 8 clones into my house..we brought them into the door of my grow tent to check them out in bright lights..after noticing discoloration on several leaves in began further inspectin the plants..underneath all of the leaves were these tiny moving insects..they looked reddish with 2 black spots maybe? i didnt look very hard as soon as i saw bugs i got those fuckers out of the tent as soon as possible..we were looking at the plants for 2 minutes at the most but they were a few inches above and to the side of a few of my plants...do you think that in this time any could have moved or been blown into my plants? i checked the plants in the area but finding a couple spider mites on 6 week old plants wouldnt be very easy..any one have any idea if i could get infested? how long it would take to notice them if i check periodically throughout the day? anything i can do to prevent them this early if they did spread to my plants? fuckin guy and his shitty plants! who the fuck doesnt notice the entire plant leaf is covered in tiny moving bugs lol​



Active Member
all of the plants where in a box and no leaves were above the top ..and the box was halfway in halfway out...still think so?


Well-Known Member
It's more than possible, if anything they may have got on your clothing and invaded. Good luck, hit them with Sns 209!


Active Member
so checking this morning before lights out and one of my plants was hit HARD by something...it was my biggest healthiest plant..it was the furthest away from the bugs if they were introduced...but its making my leaves discolor and they are all curled and look like claws...im assuming the color and clawing is from lack of moisture from spider mites sucking it out? have to way to look with my homemade microscope to see if they are on the leaves :( its only one plant and it looks like shit! the leaves almost look like MG def, those ones arent curled they are just discolored..happened last night to this one plant..old and new leaves...fuckin pissed! still dont know how someone can let their plants get that bad...im a fuckin connoisuer i geuss cause i check on my babies all day everyday for that reason...i actualy care about my plants...some people just dont care i guess? that doesnt make sense to me..lol..extremely hard work ethic and cant stand to do shit half assed or fucked up