Spider mites problem day 28 in flower ): please read

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I once sprayed my plants with a substance called eagle20. It’s myclobutanil. It is the only real systemic cure for PM.

I then proceeded to take my entire grow, shove it into garbage bags, and threw it them into the dumpster...where they belonged.

Was it easy? No! Was it an expensive mistake? Yes!

Do I have any regrets FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING? Fuck no! I sleep better at night knowing I chose to lose time and money, instead of poisoning people.
I had mites in flower around week 4. I used spinosad, then dr bronners twice. It worked but the buds were sub par in the end. The treatments seemed to have washed a lot of frost off them.
Sounds like pretty solid talk to me from @GreenHighlander
Its because of practices like the OP's that people get sick (or sicker if they already have an ailment). @spokehead88 If your mother were on Chemo and needed to smoke to get an appetite to eat and hold down food, would you have her smoke your weed?
And folks wonder why there is this new thing called "Scromiting", all while the dr's blame the weed....not the person that splashes toxic shit all over their plants and sells it to the unsuspecting public. After reading this thread, I've never been happier to grow my own MEDICINE.
I just find it laughable that so many complete fucking morons come on here talking about poisoning people when:
  1. It has to date never once happened in recorded history.
  2. It is reasonably simple to Google: organic pesticide for tomatoes and come up with dozens of safe, easy to use solutions.
But keep on drama queening about shit that's never happened since it makes you feel better about your failed and miserable life.
Sounds like pretty solid talk to me from @GreenHighlander
Its because of practices like the OP's that people get sick (or sicker if they already have an ailment). @spokehead88 If your mother were on Chemo and needed to smoke to get an appetite to eat and hold down food, would you have her smoke your weed?
And folks wonder why there is this new thing called "Scromiting", all while the dr's blame the weed....not the person that splashes toxic shit all over their plants and sells it to the unsuspecting public. After reading this thread, I've never been happier to grow my own MEDICINE.

Thank you. I am not trying to be an asshole here. But I care much more about the people this type of shit NEEDLESSLY harms then if I come across as an asshole or not.
Just straight money hungry bullshit!!!!
Post ONE LINK to ANYBODY that has ever been poisoned by smoking pot a pesticide was used on.

Go on. We'll wait.

I didn't think so. Now shut the fuck up, drama queen.
I just find it laughable that so many complete fucking morons come on here talking about poisoning people when:
  1. It has to date never once happened in recorded history.
  2. It is reasonably simple to Google: organic pesticide for tomatoes and come up with dozens of safe, easy to use solutions.
But keep on drama queening about shit that's never happened since it makes you feel better about your failed and miserable life.

" Never once happened in recorded history"
I suggest you read some of the very readily available information on what the effects of most pesticide chemicals on humans. Especially on the immune system and gut bacteria and longterm.
It also scares me that you follow what is approved for agricultural use as a guideline for what is actually safe.

You are right so many complete morons come on here talking out of their ignorant asses.
Thank you for showing you are one.
Cheers :)
luckily i don't have to use chemicals and i have to resort to growing out doors at the moment till I find a new home. Preditory insects are galore around here and you you may have to pick the random praying mantis off your cloths before you come inside. Lady bugs. lucky or not. are also in abundance.bongsmilie
I don’t think pesticide poisoning is acute. I think it builds over years and contributes to serious health problems down the line.

That is true to a certain extent.

To date, nobody has ever been killed by any food a pesticide was used on.

Have they caused problems? Yes. But 99.9999% of those problems are caused in the people that USE the pesticides, not the people that consume the diluted product down the road.

That is why people panic over pesticides. They see the headline: THIS PESTICIDE CAUSES CANCER and they assume that since that pesticide if handled improperly causes cancer then if they eat a tomato that that particular pesticide was used on they're going to get cancer.

It's typical moronic, stupid, uneducated, drama queen bullshit that has no basis at all in reality.
Eagle20, myclobutanil, is a known reproductive inhibitor, causing in-womb development issues and increases birth defects.

It’s absorbed through the skin if you touch it, let alone the fact that ALL commercially grown strawberries are sprayed with the stuff like crazy
I would agree, I wouldn't smoke those plants. They should be disposed of properly. Say you are a Dispensary here in Colorado they would shut you down with a quickness for using pesticides that are ONLY MEANT FOR ORNAMENTAL PLANTS. They have done it to quite a few Dispensaries since we went legal here. You got to make sure the pesticides you use are FOOD GRADE pesticides for something that gets ingested or smoked.
Its not ingesting it, but smoking it when the poisons turn into carcinogens. It completely changed the makeup of the chemical, and the toxins it puts off. OP isnt using the poisons on tomatoes here. Im not against using stuff to remedy bugs, mold etc. But you have to use it appropriately and follow the half life of the product or it can make people sick. When you dump 11 different poisons onto your plants 4 weeks before harvest....that is completely irresponsible and careless to the end user.
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