Spider mites, White Fly & Alcohol


New Member
I've been on the spider mite program for years.I had severe problems.like no other.I bomb regularly and wash with a safer soap or neem oil mixed with dawn dish soap.They love it and look great.
However if I get lazy I see evidence very soon


I had this same issue with my babys and I found that using a small amount of dish soap with water in a spray bottle does the trick. Although some of my plants did die from this mixture, most of them have survived and are finally growing again after the bugs stunted them. Out of the 30 plants I had, 26 of them survived the infestation. I believe it also had something to do with the strain im growing (durban poison), i found that none of them died due to that fact that it is extremely good at fighting off infection as well as parasites, while the super silver haze i got had a few casualties. If you use the soapy water technique be sure to use it sparingly as it can cause browning of the leaves, stunted growth, or death similar to that of over-fertalizing and, or under-fertalizing. Hopes this helps anyone experiencing these little fuckers.
Tried the soapy water thing and it doesn't work at all. It did not even phase them.


Active Member
Please.. if you have never used alcohol on your strain.. DO NOT (and Imean no disrespect to anyone) use 50 50 alcohol water.

I can tell you from experience that some strains will within hours turn yellow (as if the chlorophil it's self was just sucked out) and stripped right before your eyes. And the other strains right next to her are all just fine saying 'I'll have another shot'. No rhyme nor reason.

You put a lot of work into your plant.. at least TEST a leaf or two and wait a few hours and see how she responds (it doesn't take long if she doesn't like it) if you are going to use the alcohol.

And MAKE SURE your room is cool and the lights are not intense (heck, make sure you don't spray your hot lights while you are at it.. not that I need to tell anyone here this.. but it happens frequently).



Active Member
I would like to know if you are still having success with the use of your rubbing alcohol/water mix to keep the white fly/spider mites off? I have spider mites getting on my entire grow room, and would like to be able to knock it out fast. Good luck.
I have found that the best methods are:

start off fresh with a bleached or painted room
don't allow other people in. EVER
use "take down" or canola oil frequently while vegging
don't visit other grow rooms, then enter yours. EVER
mild soap and alcohol only kills adult and may keep them at bay, but takes weeks of use and ruin your bud.


Active Member
i didnt use dish soap i use mild soap cut it into small pieces shake it up n a spray bottle n go to town with it


Well-Known Member
Mighty Wash to knock out the adult population, then I use predator mites to mop up the eggs and adults that survive the Mighty Wash. This combination will control even the worst spider mite infestations. Mighty Wash is amazing, and the predator mites are much quicker, and more effective than lady bugs.