spider mites


Active Member
anyone know about the spider mites and there preditors I bought some preditors and now i can't tell the difference does anyone know if i shoot some pics can you tell me which one is which PLEASE there killing me:cry:


Active Member
thats what I thought good i am wining the war well not wining but they are doing a dam good job I was woried they might be juvinile mites but i believe juvinile mites have the black on there shoulders well ViRedd thanks alot so you have any experience with using preditor mites.


New Member
thats what I thought good i am wining the war well not wining but they are doing a dam good job I was woried they might be juvinile mites but i believe juvinile mites have the black on there shoulders well ViRedd thanks alot so you have any experience with using preditor mites.[/quote]

You're welcome, fllyby. I've had mites several times. The first time, I used No-Pest-Strips to get rid of them. They became immune to the NPS pretty quickly. The next two times, I used AVID and have never had a mite problem since. My face melted though. *lol*

The problem with mites is that in colder weather/conditions, they lay dormant in your grow space. They are in the crevasses, under the Mylar, etc., just getting ready for their next feast upon your beloved plants. The AVID seems to get the job done. Its expensive, but some hydro stores sell small vials of it. You only need five (5) drops per quart of water in a spray bottle. Toxic? Yes ... just ask the mites.



Active Member
naturescontrol.com it is the triple threat preditor it is a veriety of three kinds of preditors for different grow room conditions


Well-Known Member
I hadn't head that. Is it safe to use on the plants? I mean do the plants react to the oil adversely?


Well-Known Member
Lot's of folks have been hit by the BORG of insects, Spidermites and feel your pain. Surrender IS NOT an option. Fight the lil beaties to the very end. Lots of good tips in this thread and my personal method has worked for me.

Spider Mite Control

Here's what I have used with good results!

Spider mites SUCK! If you have them on one plant chances are they are on all of them. So very small and difficult to see unless you use a loupe or magnifier(at least for me anyways). I had one harvest *almost* get ruined by the critters and then I fought back with technology...and won! I did not want to use any chemicals on my ladies so close to harvest, and ended up using...STEAM!:fire:

Bought a Rowenta steamer from Bed Bath &Way Beyond and it worked like a charm! Best way is to do this somewhat *safely* is to water your plants, wait an hour and then hit the plants EVERYWHERE with the steam. You cannot concentrate the steam in any one area for too long or you'll cook the poor plant!:leaf: The neat thing about this is the temperature. The mites simply crumble and die as soon as the hot steam hits them! Again you HAVE to be careful or you'll cause more harm than good, but if you pay attention to what your doing, you can do this! After you have hit all areas thoroughly, let your ladies rest for 1-2 days then hit em again. The live mites die easily but the eggs may still hatch (nasty things). If you cannot control the mites after 3 steam treatments, you should abandon ship and chop em down, sorry.:sad: Good luck and let us know how you faired in this time of crisis. :wink:

JJ Cam

Got a mite problem? Want blissful revenge on those fuckers for messin with your grow?

Try my "all natural" miticide recipe called "Habanero Hellfire." Those SOB's will regret messing with your grow after being drenched with this burning concoction. They will scream, pop, and die in agony and it does not affect your plants.

1/2 pound of habanero
6 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of powdered cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon of italian seasoning
2 tablespoons of liquid soap (i.e. dishwasher liquid is cool)

boil 2 liters of water with the cinnamon, cloves, and italian seasoning.

while the water is boiling, in a blender blend the habaneros and garlic with 2 cups of water. Blend to a liquid smooth consistency. then pour into the boiling water.

Boil for about 10 minutes while mixing occasionally, then add the liquid detergent.

let it cool down to room temperature, then strain VERY WELL (if not strained very well, habanero bits will clog in your sprayer and ruin it).

Spray your plants until they are drenched from top to bottom. Let the liquid evaporate by itself (do not place plants in direct light while wet).

After an hour, spray your plants with clean water while slowly and carefully rubbing off the habanero with your fingers. Tiny habanero bits will probably remain after cleaning, but that's ok. The spray DOES NOT affect the plants. After two days, spray down with water again. Your plants will smell like habanero for weeks. DO NOT SPRAY ON BUDS UNLESS YOU LIKE SPICY BUDS.

Repeat the process in 1 week to ensure all those bastards are completely dead. Most likely only one application will eliminate those bastards, but try two or three times depending on the gravity of the infestation. You will not be disappointed.

PRECAUTION: WEAR GLOVES, EYE PROTECTION, AND A MASK. I Learned the hard way. Constant exposure of spray made me light headed with some dizzyness, so I don't know how it might effect people who are sensitive to strong peppers. You do not want this in your eye, lips or mouth. Possible blindness will occur if sprayed in eyes. You will have to wash your hands constantly for several days to remove the smell and spice from hands if gloves are not worn. By all means, go slow and steady and be cautious. Peace.

This works well in your garden too, spray on your vegetables to prevent bugs, rodents, and even squirrels from eating your stuff, although spray lightly every week and only wash before eating. Ant Problem? This stuff kills them in 10 seconds or less, but drench them well