spider mites

Dr Doom...or hot shot... No Pest strips I beleive. They will killem all if done right. For a 15x15 room buy 6 of them. Turn off all exhaust fans and lights. Hang the strips amongst your flowering plants for 6 - 10 hours....then remove the strips and store them in ziplock bags. Check your plants and you will see all the mites are now dead.....resume normal lights and exhaust and grow happily for 4 days till the existing eggs hatch then repeat the treatment to kill the new babies....DONE! End of mites....works great....no spraying...no problem. I did this up to 2 weeks before harvest. I cant recommend it for everyone to use late into flowering as I dont know if it leaves that bad residue but it worked killer for me. I am disabled and spraying under every leaf every few days is just not realistic for me. This method is much less labor intensive and worked well.

Just thought I would share


If ya have a scope try checking them after 2 hours and all their legs are twitching...it is really satisfying to see the BORG suffer as they die ya know...especially after battleing them with Neem oil and Azamax which will knock em back but they always came back.
i found spider mites(the borg i like that) early in veg hit them twice with pyrethrin and couldn't find 1 until yesterday found 1 on 4 plants using a 30x loupe (got to be some i missed ) 45 days of flower now ,i dont want to use anything but strait water,I already fucked up plants late in flower using neem oil.pyretrins out, My question is will water knock them down enough in the 2 to 3 weeks they have left enough that they wont be able to be a problem?? thanks
i found spider mites(the borg i like that) early in veg hit them twice with pyrethrin and couldn't find 1 until yesterday found 1 on 4 plants using a 30x loupe (got to be some i missed ) 45 days of flower now ,i dont want to use anything but strait water,I already fucked up plants late in flower using neem oil.pyretrins out, My question is will water knock them down enough in the 2 to 3 weeks they have left enough that they wont be able to be a problem?? thanks

I was told by a very experienced grower that you can keep them from getting really bad by spraying the undersides of the leaves with water to knock them off. Do it early in your day so the buds have time to dry out. Remember, they will end up on the floor where the eggs will hatch, I would spray the floor with something that kills them.

You can also put in some hotshot no pest strips and do what grasshopper did and nuke them while the lights are off. This will kill them as they pop up, but it wont get the eggs. It will save your crop though. The ingredient in hotshots is used in grain silos because it has a half life of a few hours and is completely gone within two weeks. I had a strain tested a month after harvest and it came up clean of pesticides and I used hotshots through the whole budding cycle.

Before you start your next crop, invest in some Forbid 4f. Kills eggs and mites. Three applications, once when they are smallish, once more right before you bud them and a final time about a week into flowering. Bang, gone! It has a residual effect for 40 days after the last application AND you dont have to spray the undersides of the leaves, it kills eggs and mites THROUGH the leaf....awesome shit.

You can get it on ebay for $20 for 5 ml, enough to make 5 - 10 gallons of spray! It will take me a year to use just one gallon, best 20$ I have ever spent!!

thanks for your help some good input,im hoping next time im not going to let these little bastards any access i first noticed them on houseplants ,then checked mine thinking no way they could be on mine(thought it was a pretty much sealed off enviroment) but under a loupe i found some little fucks that you couldn't even see yet with the naked eye,somehow i must of transfered them in there ,crafty little fucks.Will spray area after harvest with diazinon,pretty harsh shit i think.