Spider Mites!

I believe I have spider mites in my grow room. I've yet to see any issues in regards to my plants, but I did see cream/white colored insects resembling a spider. I only saw 2, but I know that insects multiply fast and I don't want any issues. Thus far I'm leaning towards purchasing lady bugs to get rid of them in the most effective way that doesn't effect my plants. My question is, once the lady bugs have been introduced then what? Are the lady bugs harmless to my plants? Or do I have to follow up with something to get rid of lady bugs afterwards? Also what conditions do spider mites thrive in? I would rather prevent them then have to get rid of them. The help is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
if you could easily see it, it probably wasn't a mite. the first telltale sign of mites you will see is stippling on your leaves - they will have little whitish/yellowish dots all over the top of the leaf. if you flip the leaf over, and look really close, you will see a little orange or darkish dot - tickle the dot (I usually break the leaf off and use the stem) and if it moves - its probably a live mite. the conditions these guys love is hot and dry. running high humidity will eventually lead to other problems, as will letting the temp drop too much at night. the most common advice you will get on mites is to be very clean in your practices in the growroom - and to spray several times a week with neem oil until several weeks into flower. lots of fans help to keep them from taking hold. if you get them really bad, like tops covered with webs bad, and can't spray, you can vacuum them off. it sucks - literally - but it does help. I'm sure I've missed a few things here - oh yeah don't fear the ladybug - worship her. just don't be surprised when half of 'em kamikaze into yer bulb as soon as you release them.


Well-Known Member
The lady bugs are harmless to your plants but unless you have a generous supply of food for them they tend to move on pretty fast.


Well-Known Member
Dude there's a thousand threads on here about mites, you obviously just saw a little spider and freaked :shock: chill out, get yourself some Neem oil, and mix as directed (4 teaspoons per gallon of water, mixed with teaspoon of environmentally safe dish soap as an emulsifier, original Dawn is good) and then WATER them with it, DO NOT for Gods sake spray them in flower....Neem works from the inside of the plant, but you have to water every week for a month....I use it as a cheap preventative for all bugs and I have none :weed:


Well-Known Member
I have had issues with spider mites in the past and what ive done is mixed a half teaspoon of azamaz with a half teaspoon's worth of neem oil and a drop of dishwashinging detergent in a quart and a half spray bottle. I sprayed em only 3 times(3 day interval) and they were completely gone, and never came back. You wanna do this in veg, or in the beginning of flowering and do not spray this mixture too close to harvest. Even if you dont have spider mites, its good preventive maintenance :)


Active Member
Strong stream of water to whole plant to decimate majority of mites and then: 100g of Red Peppers in 2L of water...heat up pretty good but don't boil..heat mixture up every day. The longer you brew it, the stronger it gets. 5 days worked for me. Emptied 2 DOOM Insect killer cans in my grow tent. Haven't seem them since.

I only did this, cause I don't have access to neem oil, azamax, bla bla bla good luckP

PS: Spray pepper juice every day on plants till they're gone. Do it for a week or 2.