spider mites?


Active Member
also,i grow in soil so if your doing hydro i'm not sure if all that works the same.i would think so though.make sure though before you do anything.
Ive noticed that there are black mites on some leaves, both top and underside.
Under a microscope they look like spider mites but have dark coloured bodies and cream legs.
Cannot see and real damage but this may have just started. what are they?


Well-Known Member
First before they go into your room.. Spray your cuttings with a light neem oil dilute.. If mites appear a week after the neem oil, spray with AZAMax. Then if they are still there do a pyrth bomb and get them with neem oil to get the eggs

JJ Cam

Got a mite problem? Want blissful revenge on those fuckers for messin with your grow?

Try my "all natural" miticide recipe called "Habanero Hellfire." Those SOB's will regret messing with your grow after being drenched with this burning concoction. They will scream, pop, and die in agony and it does not affect your plants.

1/2 pound of habanero
6 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of powdered cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon of italian seasoning
2 tablespoons of liquid soap (i.e. dishwasher liquid is cool)

boil 2 liters of water with the cinnamon, cloves, and italian seasoning.

while the water is boiling, in a blender blend the habaneros and garlic with 2 cups of water. Blend to a liquid smooth consistency. then pour into the boiling water.

Boil for about 10 minutes while mixing occasionally, then add the liquid detergent.

let it cool down to room temperature, then strain VERY WELL (if not strained very well, habanero bits will clog in your sprayer and ruin it).

Spray your plants until they are drenched from top to bottom. Let the liquid evaporate by itself (do not place plants in direct light while wet).

After an hour, spray your plants with clean water while slowly and carefully rubbing off the habanero with your fingers. Tiny habanero bits will probably remain after cleaning, but that's ok. The spray DOES NOT affect the plants. After two days, spray down with water again. Your plants will smell like habanero for weeks. DO NOT SPRAY ON BUDS UNLESS YOU LIKE SPICY BUDS.

Repeat the process in 1 week to ensure all those bastards are completely dead. Most likely only one application will eliminate those bastards, but try two or three times depending on the gravity of the infestation. You will not be disappointed.

PRECAUTION: WEAR GLOVES, EYE PROTECTION, AND A MASK. I Learned the hard way. Constant exposure of spray made me light headed with some dizzyness, so I don't know how it might effect people who are sensitive to strong peppers. You do not want this in your eye, lips or mouth. Possible blindness will occur if sprayed in eyes. You will have to wash your hands constantly for several days to remove the smell and spice from hands if gloves are not worn. By all means, go slow and steady and be cautious. Peace.

This works well in your garden too, spray on your vegetables to prevent bugs, rodents, and even squirrels from eating your stuff, although spray lightly every week and only wash before eating. Ant Problem? This stuff kills them in 10 seconds or less, but drench them well