Spider mites!!!

for me spider mites in my room never came from my inlet vents, but always from a cutting given, or being carried in by a person on clothing etc

cut the grow and clean the room head to toe, wipe walls down, and all
repeat process twicw, leave room 1 week
have a smoke and chill, then fire that room back up :)

i like neem, but i think you can mix 7ml to a litre of virgin neem, little fert in there as well
spray your plants every couple of days.

if you do then you can always step up to a chemical to hit them

i bet you not see them again
Oh yea i forgot to mention if co2 is handy upping the ppm levels in the room up to 5000 will make all insects suffocate and explode... specifically mites for sure.

Make sure your not in the room and its sealed tight for atleast 30 minutes.

The eggs won't die though so will probably have to run it twice.
This sucks. I just went through this horror show. I cut everything I could, they away 3 plants (I'm perpetual) and scrubbed the room top to bottom. And I mean everything fans, AC, dehumidifers, ceiling walls floor. Start top to bottom. Bleach it!

If you know how these little bastards came in don't do it again. Be cautious walking of damp grassin the morning then your grow room. The summer is an easier time to get mites. I have different shoes and wear a painters suit in my garden. Maybe overkill but I don't want mites again.

Good luck!
Oh yea i forgot to mention if co2 is handy upping the ppm levels in the room up to 5000 will make all insects suffocate and explode... specifically mites for sure.

Make sure your not in the room and its sealed tight for atleast 30 minutes.

The eggs won't die though so will probably have to run it twice.

For real?? I've just cleaned my room top to bottom. I wonder if flooding my room with Co2 will kill anything I might have missed. It's a sealed room so I can dump a full bottle if I need to
This sucks. I just went through this horror show. I cut everything I could, they away 3 plants (I'm perpetual) and scrubbed the room top to bottom. And I mean everything fans, AC, dehumidifers, ceiling walls floor. Start top to bottom. Bleach it!

If you know how these little bastards came in don't do it again. Be cautious walking of damp grassin the morning then your grow room. The summer is an easier time to get mites. I have different shoes and wear a painters suit in my garden. Maybe overkill but I don't want mites again.

Good luck!

2nd that painters suit and different shoes...
You can't only use 1 thing because they breed immunities. Try a spinosad/pyrethrin product as well and make sure you get the undersides of the leaves because if 1 survives they will literally be right back again. So spray like this

Product 1
3 days later
Product 2
3 days later
Product 3

Make sure you are using different methods each time because they will breed immunities as i said above trimming your plants up a bit so there is less foliage helps a bit as well
Whoa. Wait a minute. You CANT use pyrethrum in flower or you'll poison yourself and everyone smoking. Ya so dont do that please. :wall: Also spinosad will probably taste horrible that close to harvest.
I see that youve (op) found neem doesnt kill bugs for the most part, it just keeps them "away".
Personally id use mighty wash that close to harvest and a vacuum or a wash cloth. Then use pyrethrum bombs to clean the room x 3 when theres no plants in there, or at least plants that arent flowering.
Whoa. Wait a minute. You CANT use pyrethrum in flower or you'll poison yourself and everyone smoking. Ya so dont do that please. :wall: Also spinosad will probably taste horrible that close to harvest.
I see that youve (op) found neem doesnt kill bugs for the most part, it just keeps them "away".
Personally id use mighty wash that close to harvest and a vacuum or a wash cloth. Then use pyrethrum bombs to clean the room x 3 when theres no plants in there, or at least plants that arent flowering.

Mighty wash has pyrethrins in it just a heads up so what you just said makes no sense http://www.occnewspaper.com/oda-warning-mega-wash-pyrethrins/
I think you can use pyrethrums in flower as it is derived from chrysanthemums, is organic and is very UV sensitive so it breaks down super fast in the sun or under HID lighting. Permethrin is a synthetic chemical made to act like pyrethrum except is way more tolerant of UV light. Samples taken from plants 120 days after spray and it was still present. That being said I wouldn't be drenching buds in pyrethrum. I'd try to stick to leaves and rinse with water a couple hours later. Stay safe and happy farming.
You should check out a product called mighty wash. I use it once a week on my plant to keep it bug and pest free. It's advertised as a spider mite killer and it is also like 99.83% water and .17 active ingredients so it's super safe and non detrimental to your plant. I picked mine up for $12 at the hydro shop. Never have I had a pest problem.
Quote from a customer on another forumn-
"I thought I would share a couple of pictures of the effects of Mighty Wash on spider mites. The white bodies are spider mites that have been split in half. You'll notice a bunch of objects laying around in pairs. What a great product. I also noticed the eggs are dead too, which doesn't always happen, but they are not hatching after days of observation."
Give it a shot bro
I just saw a brown spider with the speed and size of a linebacker. He had moves like Marcus Allen. #Onebadmotherfucker #keepingmyroomclean!
Oh i just remembered watchin a rep drink a cup of thst shit once. He said its just frequency water. Mighty wash is pretty non life threatening from what ive seen, pyrithium bombs on the other hand, well just keep your dogs, cats, and kids away from accidental exposure.
the state of Oregon ( where weed is legal) is currently testing pestacides,, some are legal and some are not,, it has now been found that mighty wash contains pyrethrins that is not listed on the bottle,,


You should check out a product called mighty wash. I use it once a week on my plant to keep it bug and pest free. It's advertised as a spider mite killer and it is also like 99.83% water and .17 active ingredients so it's super safe and non detrimental to your plant. I picked mine up for $12 at the hydro shop. Never have I had a pest problem.
Quote from a customer on another forumn-
"I thought I would share a couple of pictures of the effects of Mighty Wash on spider mites. The white bodies are spider mites that have been split in half. You'll notice a bunch of objects laying around in pairs. What a great product. I also noticed the eggs are dead too, which doesn't always happen, but they are not hatching after days of observation."
Give it a shot bro
the state of Oregon ( where weed is legal) is currently testing pestacides,, some are legal and some are not,, it has now been found that mighty wash contains pyrethrins that is not listed on the bottle,,

