for me spider mites in my room never came from my inlet vents, but always from a cutting given, or being carried in by a person on clothing etc
cut the grow and clean the room head to toe, wipe walls down, and all
repeat process twicw, leave room 1 week
have a smoke and chill, then fire that room back up
i like neem, but i think you can mix 7ml to a litre of virgin neem, little fert in there as well
spray your plants every couple of days.
if you do then you can always step up to a chemical to hit them
i bet you not see them again
cut the grow and clean the room head to toe, wipe walls down, and all
repeat process twicw, leave room 1 week
have a smoke and chill, then fire that room back up

i like neem, but i think you can mix 7ml to a litre of virgin neem, little fert in there as well
spray your plants every couple of days.
if you do then you can always step up to a chemical to hit them
i bet you not see them again