Spidermites - 10 days before harvest. please help


Well-Known Member
Yeath 4X4 square! ghetto grow w/emergency blanket's instead of mylar..same shit heat light fan's weed!!cheap!! yield's consistant!! and large..62 yo fart been growing 50 yrs mostly out side.any box same deal take care of heat see A.C.77 degrees allway's it's almost 100 today in boston!..4X4 closet 100 watter top 5foot 11 inches up! at it stays there!.jpgclone and flower room's.jpgtowel's cover large vent's for circulation in bottom out top.jpg6 week's in 4 week's left LSD babbies.jpgcomming out party soon!!3-4 weeks.jpg


Update - I checked the trichromes on my microscope and they are still white.. so I guess it might take a few more days for me to harvest. I already stopped feeding the plant any products and as soon as I see the trichromes changing to amber I will stop watering for 4-5 days to let the plant dry a bit. Can anyone vouch for this ? or should I finish off in another way? peace.


Well-Known Member
That will work fine..any regime (almost) will work...leave's useually turn yellow/purple/after flush 3-4 day's and plant will finish...if your going by the amber color of tricome's you can't go wrong!!when plant is dying it should not be dragged out to much...but dark dry and cool work's fine. good luck my brother! ...jack


Well-Known Member
In you original post you plants looked more than 10 days out. But bugs slow things down. Sometimes the don't fill out well after bug damage. You really looked like 4-5 weeks out but there are no close ups so its hard to tell. Either way the bug delay development even if you've completely decimated the population it will take a little longer to recuperate.


Update !
Yellow leaves making their appearance. Hopefully this means that by next Saturday the trichromes will be amber and then ill harvest. 20120629_204928.jpg