Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

And the above is an example of YOU doing your level best to further those stereotypes and create resentment by false accusation , again radical idiots such as yourself do more and have done more in this country to CONTINUE this shit and erode the ground we gained in the '60s than any other single group.

You sir are a bigot and you REVEL in it , you attempt to defend YOUR WRONGS with previous wrongs , YOU are not interested in E Q U A L I T Y or indeed even in peaceful co-existence YOU are only interested in dominance and retribution.

I wonder which will happen first? Will his keyboard break? Will his fingers start to bleed? Or will he have a heart attack?...He might just die from diahrrea of the mouth.
Can anyone say "Xanax"

In other word ya got N O T H I N G.............as usual with you racebaiting pukes. Now go back to kissing Wrights feet , you're outa your depth here , you've exhausted your Cliff's Notes Education on the subject.

You don't have a damn clue beyond what's been shoved down your throat by the edu-indoctrinational system.
Almost all his post he's arguing with someone , i sure hope he gets paid for it cause it seems he has a passion for it

I've seen him in threads before. I think it's a ghost account for a member who just likes to start shit and argue with people. I'm pretty sure of it. Guys like that you just ignore. I try not to surround myself with stupidity...only makes you dumber.
It was all meant as 1 train of thought/idea which is what a paragraph is supposed to be.

Just because I talked about different issues and ideas does not mean they were different subjects.

From now on I will seperate all sentences so it is easier for you guys to read.

I will also add pictures to make it fun for everyone.

Just because I talked about different issues and ideas does not mean they were different subjects.

Sorry there guy. A paper should have a main topic or subject. A paragraph is for different ideas on the same subject matter. You bounced off of immigration, drug abuse, sexism, etc. All independent thoughts that you tried to support separately in one paragraph.

I do like pictures if the subject matter is funny.
I wonder which will happen first? Will his keyboard break? Will his fingers start to bleed? Or will he have a heart attack?...He might just die from diahrrea of the mouth.

You're regressing. And still no rebuttal , I wonder why , I mean it should be REAL easy to " put me in my place" if I am you have attempted to portray me , shouldn't it Mr. Faux Intellectual Liberal?

Almost all his post he's arguing with someone , i sure hope he gets paid for it cause it seems he has a passion for it

I wonder if he even realizes he's being laughed at and we're not reading his posts anymore. I mean, after the third one I realized he was either off his meds or just trying to bait me into a fight. You can't have an intellgent conversation with someone like that. They lack the key ingredient...intelligence.
I sort of figured. That is one of the reasons why I posted on the "Trayvan" (sic!) thread in our neighboring subforum that i was joining you on the fence until developments ... developed. cn

Your humor is a blessing. I am glad to see that it fully developed.

I appreciate that you were checking in.
I've seen him in threads before. I think it's a ghost account for a member who just likes to start shit and argue with people. I'm pretty sure of it. Guys like that you just ignore. I try not to surround myself with stupidity...only makes you dumber.

Uh huh , but golly gee whiz.....sounds like a buncha pussy excuses to me. And it's pretty obvious who the Fake Intellectual trying to sell themsleves as " The Urbane , Smart-n-Liberal Black Man" is hear.

You're a F A K E , a caricature. And you have no basic answer beyond the mindless rhetoric you vomit out repeatedly. Just repetition of the bullshit you've been taught , mindlessly following the programming of your masters.
Just because I talked about different issues and ideas does not mean they were different subjects.

Sorry there guy. A paper should have a main topic or subject. A paragraph is for different ideas on the same subject matter. You bounced off of immigration, drug abuse, sexism, etc. All independent thoughts that you tried to support separately in one paragraph.

I do like pictures if the subject matter is funny.

Are you serious? The fact that I mentioned those as examples does not mean they are different subjects. I used them to highlight points I was making in the overall idea I was discussing. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one. I think it is very funny you even mention a "paper". Do you consider 7 lines of text a paper? Wow!
I wonder if he even realizes he's being laughed at and we're not reading his posts anymore. I mean, after the third one I realized he was either off his meds or just trying to bait me into a fight. You can't have an intellgent conversation with someone like that. They lack the key ingredient...intelligence.

Blah blah blah................in other words , as I have stated you'll resort to vilification , innuendo etc but you haven't the fortitude to actually ENGAGE on this issues beyond the pussy juvenile level you exhibit above.

Didn't take long for you to expose yourself , your actual methods of arguement and of course your degree of intellect.
I wonder if he realizes no one is even paying attention to him anymore? He's already proven his ignorance by making racist comments and worthless arguments. Next he'll probably propose that I be lynched. Klan membership just grew by 1.
Really? You wanna go there? Ok.

Yes, says me. The perpetuation of racism is actively or passively aiding in the continued stereotypes and feelings that breed racist people. Having an open forum discussion about whether a comment is racist is hardly doing so. I am trying to intelligently show that that persons comment can be seen as racist by many black people and have already offended 4 black people in this thread.

Who the fuck said you were talking about "scars." I made a statement saying that those scars exist. I never said that mentioned scars. I stated that talking about hanging black people is a scar for blacks.

I'm not talking about Detroit. I'm talking about the U.S. If you wanna start comparing stats about minority dominant schools and neighborhoods and the increased crime rates, drug abuse rates, imprisonment rates, etc.. then you really won't have a leg to stand on.

What the fuck are you talking about being a women in a man's job? Can you explain the point of that whole tirad? If you want to compare what someone has achieved DESPITE the obstacles in front of them then you will surely lose this argument. Not only do I have 2 undergraduate degrees and an MBA from NYU, I also own 2 very successful business'. My father grew up in a home where his father was an alcoholic and abusive. My dad has been on his own since he was 16. He put himself through college and went on to become very successful in his field. Actually serving on 2 presidential counsels and as an advisor to Bill Clinton. Don't even try it with me. I have accomplished more in my life then most people dream of and ALL of it was because of my own hard work.

Very nice to meet you and good luck with that narrow mindedness.

You have no idea what I have and have not done in my life. You sir would be very surprised.

The bit about being a woman was in response to you using being a woman as a comparison to racism. You brought it up.

I don't believe you for one moment that you have those degrees. Prove it. If you indeed did graduate who wrote your papers for you?

If your father actually was an advisor then stop living off your father laurels and stand up for yourself, it wasn't something you accomplished.

You are very presumptuous, exactly what you hate in others.
Are you serious? The fact that I mentioned those as examples does not mean they are different subjects. I used them to highlight points I was making in the overall idea I was discussing. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one. I think it is very funny you even mention a "paper". Do you consider 7 lines of text a paper? Wow!

Must mean I went to college??????