Spinosad vs. Thrips

Just make sure to wear gloves, mask and glasses, and go from bottom of stem lift leaves and spray from under.

I left my plants under light, a MarsHydro TSW1000, on lowest dimmer setting and had a fan blowing on them for about 2 hours until I returned it to 75%.

Took 2 applications 2 days apart, I used bug b gone eco. 1 bottle for 3 plants, 2.5 months old.

we have a product in south Africa called Bio-Pyrol, which is also canola oil and pyrethrins and it seems the same as that Ortho stuff. also organic and you dont need to wear gloves or a mask for it...

it does work like a peach! but its short halflife is its limiting factor. it is no longer effective after 24 hours after spray.

where as the spinosadworks for much longer...up to 2 weeks if i am not mistaken as well as it can be absorbed by the plant and the plant will then deter the thrips from eating it anymore. pest resistance booster if you will. its used in flea treatments and head lice control in mammals via oral tablet.

If anything, using both of them in alternate sprays, will definitely eradicate your Thrips