Spin's Perpetual Grow - CFL - Closet Cab


Active Member
Finally, bella #2, she is looking really healthy and flowers will be visibly starting tomorrow, looking at her. I fed her lots of water today, she is drinking much more than the other plants in the cab.

She is a very healthy size for entering flowering (imo) and should produce a nice yield, all going well.



Active Member
Moved 2 cheese clones into larger pots, moved indica clone into first pot.

Cheese looking better every day, bella is looking...strange.


Active Member
Clones finally making the move into pots, took 4 more cutttings of bella to keep the stock running.

Cheese showing more orange with each day, but still showing strong new growth...can't wait for her to be ready, I ran out of weed days ago :p


Active Member
Gave flowering plants a feed, 10ml biobizz topmax to 2l water to the cheese, which has maybe 10-14 days left to go, so stepping back on nutes. The cheese is really shaping up nicely now, with the buds starting to swell nicely and plenty of orange visible.

I gave about 500ml of the same feed, plus 1l of full strength to the bella, which has maybe 4 weeks left to go and, while not having many budsites as she was put in with not much veg time, is showing signs of what will be some pretty big buds by my standards.

1l of full strength given to the indica (10 days into flower) and the other bella (4 days into flower), both of which are showing promise, with plenty of budsites and healthy growth.

Vegging stuff: Another clone moved to it's first pot, the 2 big bella mothers are bleedin' huge, going to have to move them into flower next month once I've got established vegging replacements. Things are looking generally healthy throughout the veg box.


Active Member
All looking well this morning, cheese is looking really ripe now (pics tomorrow when I'm off work) and the bella is fattening up nicely. The indi and bella that are in their early flowering are also progressing well, with the bella looking particularly bright.

Cabinet is getting pretty cramped atm, pretty clear that I need a second flowering chamber running soon. Going to order a new 2700k bulb and replace my fan, which is starting to get a little noisy after 9 months of use.

Of my vegging stock/clones things are proceeding well, the sickly batch of bellas has mostly picked up and all the rest are looking healthy, will pick up more soil tonight and do some potting. 4 of the clones are going to a mate tomorrow, for him to start his first grow :)


Active Member
Did some more repotting, etc this morning.

Currently I have 7 Bella in small pots, 1 indie; 3 Cheese in medium pots, 1 indie; 1 bella large pot. I was going to give my mate: 1 medium cheese, 1 small indie, 2 small bella. Then in a week he can have another 4 bella, which leaves me an indie mother, cheese mother, 1 cheese to veg towards flowering and a continuation of the bella line.

There are a remaining 4 clones in the propagator, which should make the move to pots between now and the end of the week (will stick another 4 in just to be safe)

I moved the other large vegging bella up to the flowering chamber, allowing for a few days to turn that should keep the 2 week cycle right (fingers crossed this time, I ballsed up before).

I'm guessing a date of around valentines day for the cheese, I didn't take exact note of when it started flowering, so my estimate is "xmas 2010", which makes it 6-7 weeks into flower, I guess.

The bella will be 2 weeks behind that, as per normal schedule, which should see the indie come in mid march, other bella end of march and so on.

I've had some massive financial problems the last few months (bastards just keep hammering me down) and am considering working up a large batch of clones, sticking a couple of 600w HPS into the spare bedroom and doing a couple of large grows for no other purpose than to generate income. I don't grow for profit, personally, only generating enough weed for myself and a little of each crop I let go to mates at cheap rates to cover costs, however this may need to change. Fucking Tory scum.


Active Member
Cheese was ready to be chopped, so took her down this morning, expected yield of around 1.5oz

I've left the popcorn on, give it a few more days for those to fatten up and then I'll grab the rest off. I took a few test buds off 3 days ago and have been drying them, early indications are good (very sticky stuff atm).


Active Member
Gave all flowering plants a strong nutrient feed (30ml biobizz bloom, 20ml topmax in 3.5l) last night, this morning the bella and indie have shown a big boost.

Veg chamber, all looking healthy, have started LST on indica, will likely tie one of the cheese down in the next couple of days also.

I still have 3 clones in the propagator, all belladonna. 1 is showing roots and will go into first pot tonight, the others are looking healthy but nothing showing at present.

My main extraction fan has been getting noisier, so I have ordered a new one from ebay, should arrive in coming days.


Active Member
New fan arrived, bit of a beast by my standards. Fantronics vk100 (systemair RVK100 clone). Really pumps out the air, bit louder than previous, but I can run this on really low speeds and still push more air out than previous. I'll give the old one a clean up and stick it in as a transfer fan pulling air from the lower box into the flowering chamber.


Active Member
Harvested the cheese, only a little over an oz dry, but probably the strongest weed I've ever smoked. Hence the lack of updates :p

Bella is looking really fat and is getting closer and closer to being ready, looking forward to seeing how she ends up.

Indie has some nice sized fluffy buds forming, she is just under 3 weeks into flower and should be very promising.

I have Bella just behind that (just under 2 weeks in) that is filling out well and another that has shown the first flowers today.

In veg all is progressing well, started the LST on a cheese and further tied down the indie. Several bella clones are moving through the propagator to small pots (again some going to friends) and I should have a nice stock of plants to choose from next time I want to throw one into flower (chamber full now until the bella comes down).


Well-Known Member
Gnats do suck, But ive found that if you apply sticky traps, mix some ground up mosquito dunk to the top layer of your top soil, and then spray with Fox Farms Dont Bug Me, or any other pyrethum spray that its like droppin an atom bomb on em and theyll be gone quick like. Spray like every 3 days and your problem is solved in a week. and then dont overwater(not sayin thats what caused it, just sayin as preventative maintenance) and your good to go.


Active Member
Thanks for the tip. I'd been doing pretty much most of that and the problem, while not totally cured (I still see maybe 1 gnat fly around every few days) it seems to have been at least reduced almost to the point of cure. I agree, based on recent experience, that moist topsoil is a haven for them and keeping the top couple of cm dry has a positive effect. I have taken to putting a cutout, pot sized mylar cover over the soil, reflecting light back to the underside of the canopy and keeping the soil covered.


Active Member
Had a complete rip out and rebuild of my extraction system to better accomodate the new fan and to incorporate a silencer, which arrived yesterday. Result is that I can jack the extraction up to double yesterday's rate (which was already about 4x the previous fan's output) and have much less of the low 'hum' that transmits around the acoustics of the house when it is quiet.

Took a bunch of pics, now can't find my data lead.

I have also hung a small bunch of under-ripe bananas in the flowering chamber, just below the fan. A fellow local grower was telling me he read that bananas release a chemical when ripening that encourage marijuana to ripen also in sympathy. I tried a similar experiment with 200g of blueberries around xmas and results there were promising.


Active Member
wow that was a great read spindles good job and rep+ so where is ya data cable i want mor pics hahaha,,,, just razzing ya up mate, that cheese must really blaze ya!!


Active Member
I left it work, I have now realised. Did some trimming of the soon to be chopped bella and lobbed half a pint of flat coca cola in neat. She is fattening up nicely, essentially a party grow plant in a larger pot (really early flowering) and what buds she has are pretty sweet. Pics tomorrow, I guess. I'm thinking she'll get chopped some time between wednesday and friday.

Following the same principle I threw a cheese in which has been topped and has 3 main growths with very little besides, just on the basis that my rotation means I'll have 3 belladonna on the trot come up and it's nice to have a little variety mixed in.

The clone cycle is still rolling nicely, 4 clones in their first pots. 2 going to a mate who is starting his first ever micro grow in a kitchen cupboard. I have 1 cheese and 1 indie mother, large bella mother/next plant to go into flower chamber, plus 4 cuttings in the tank, all bella.

Had a good day of tweaking, heading off to enjoy the fruits of my harvest :)


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I've been experimenting during the final days of the bella, carefully removing leaf wherever I can, a few per day. I normally start culling fan leaves at about 3-4 weeks, by taking about 1/4 off in the first batch and then taking approx 1/4 of the remaining once or twice a week. With this bella I have been carefully removing bud leaves also and the buds have really responded in a positive way. As a result I'm going to give her a little longer and keep carefully trimming, since the nuggets that are appearing now are both fat and manyfold, once that drops off I'll chop her, I guess.

I took the first batch of leaves off both the indie and the next bella, the indie is a week or 2 older, but due to having such small foliage I left it as there was no real problem with leaves blocking light/airflow. Belladonna is a much more bushy plant and needs more attention in this area.


Active Member
Bella ready to come down after work today. I took a couple of buds a couple of days ago just to test, leaving rest going a little longer.