SPIRALS... deep thoughts.


Active Member
...deep thoughts... life cycle. circle of life. people seem to think life is cyclical; not just your life, existence as a whole. I have had some thoughts based in part upon my musical tastes, (NIN, TOOL) that life is more of a spiral. it has a beginning and an end. (as far as our conscious awareness goes) That in finitely decreasing degrees our curves get smaller and closer, narrowing our individuality to a common theme; death.
When you look at the basic structure of the human building block DNA it is itself a spiral, with a beginning and an end. Its purpose is to give a sequence of growth to cells from its stored memory. That stored memory consists of knowledge gained from some 4 billion years of experience in every aspect of life ever imagined. In an infinite universe to say that we are alone is absurd. Yet mathematically we are "lucky" that the planet we inhabit has its exact location. In the expansion and contraction of the everything there is, how do we really know anything can be constant (cyclical).
I don't believe in forever, I do believe in infinity.
WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND; only slightly altered and skewed by times manipulation, causing a spiral... Debating personal choices/ religious views can open you up to new ideas, but in all, what is an idea? Any change that we, as a collective race could possibly make will inevitably be self centered, self serving and in the long run pointless... In physics. circular motion has centripetal force, or forces that "tend towards" the center, I believe the same holds true with "most" actions of humans, the spiral comes back into play here by that in our growing years, our actions get more self serving, drawing our spirals inwards and downwards...


Well-Known Member
Hey I will totally join this!

Distance is our measurable quantity, and time is a tool we created, not a fact. A ticking clock does not make time finite, it only measures it the best it can where in fact time is not constant and black holes or high speed space travel alter time.

Creation is our theory, and so is nothingness. I don`t think they are true. We look at an empty room and say there is `nothing in there` (but nothing is relative to what we consider something, therefore a yield of our logical operation, not what is really there), then we try and apply it to space. WRONG! Empty space in itself is being discovered to have more energy than matter itself! In fact, a cubic centimeter of space is being suggested by physicists to have so much energy that it can yield all the matter in our observable universe! (Nassim Harmein)

When I think of the smallest part that we can see, its atoms in a spinning order. Look at the solar system, its planets spinning in the same order. Look at our solar system, its spinning around something too... And galaxies themselves are also spinning around blackholes. Would you not logically wonder what thats spinning around?

And then it would be most normal to think that thats spinning around in the same order too...

I would describe it as: (((((()))))) , like the shells of an onion! It must go towards infinity in this fashion!

^The above were based on our current senses and computational power :D