Thanks for the replays. You can't take a video because they are not a physical mass that can just be seen. I made that mistake. And now I know it is not that easy. You gave to be spiritually open, and when you are and depending on how shall we say tuned in you are depends on how you may see them. If you are strong you may see them in front of you and they if they choose can touch you, guide you and show you where you are going wrong. Everyone already has some sort of spiritual energy. From a very small amount (needs a lot of work) to a huge amount (you are very open) and depending on this you may be able to see a demon first summon. OE have to work for years just to hear them. And for the question that was asked yes there is many forms of satanism. I am a spiritual satanist. Or traditional satanist. I know Satan is a being, not a red monster with horns but rather a perfect being. He has blonde hair, a white robe and beautiful white wings. He is not evil. Christianity has spread lies to keep people away from spiritual knowledge so they can control the people. I believe we was put here by the gods to mine for them. All other gods wanted us as energy. A power source. But Satan wanted us to progress in spiritualism so that in turn we ourselfs may become gods. But the others didn't like it and turned on Satan. There are others that I pitty. They call themselfs satanists but do not believe in Satan, the christian god Judah. Demons spirituality. Nothing. They think we are alone and Satan is just a symbol. THIS RELIGION HAS BEEN AROUND LESS THAN 60 YEARS AND I HAVE NO IDEAR HOW THEY CAN CALL THEMSELFS SATANISTS. THEY ARE HUMANISTS, ATHIESTS and to be quite honest a nasty bunch of people. There are others but I am not too familiar with their workings. If you believe there might be a chance of a creator of all just give spiritual satanism a chance to explain its self. On Christianity everything contradicts. We don't believe in human sacrifice as they do. We want a eternal peace. We want to show you how Christianity is lying.a