Spontaneous death?

This is my first year growing, so I'm kinda new to this whole thing. I attained 6 bag seeds from one of my friends, and planted them in 5 gallon buckets outside in my woods. They all sprouted up and were doing fine, but one day two of them just fell over and died... my suspicion is that they were of an indoor variety and couldn't handle the outdoors... any suggestions?


Active Member
I was grtowing two plants indoors, also some bag seeds. They just turned bright green and started to wilt yesterday. I put them outside to dispose of them and forgot about them. went out this morning and it seems that they have snapped out of it! turning back to the correct green color, standing up reaching for the sun. I just figured I had an outdoor strain and they are now where they belong. Good luck! and are you sure that they didn't have a visitor in the night?


Well-Known Member
it could be because you did not harden your plants off and they were not ready for direct sunlight


Active Member
Person, animal, who knows. You said you have them out in the woods by your place, you never know! That's the biggest problem with outdoor growing, protecting your plants.
if seedlings dont get enough sun, they will never develop thick stems and will fall over in the wind.
Some of them have been falling over and growing sideways! I just went out there, and saw that the two that were doing perfectly well had fallen over, and I noticed these damn slug sucking on the stem. So I think it is a combination of poor sunlight and these slugs that's weakening their stems... :( Any suggestions on how to recover from that?