Spores, and fuck california.


Active Member
Hey everyone.
So I'm in california, and trying to get a hold of spores online is impossible, spores are illegal in cali.
Am I just gonna have to up and have it delivered to nevada? is there ANYTHING i can do to get a hold of just 1 damned spore!
lol thanks for any advice or info. I really hate having to "buy" these like some drug[lol]. and it's been awhile sense i've enjoyed em, like in 08.

+rep for helpin.
that'd be nice. ive heard some of these sites claim not to send to cali but really sometimes do. honestly 14.95 isn't much and im going to try it on a prepaid tomorrow. but yeah. prints =p SEND THME IN THE OUTERWEB.
FYI... most legit spore suppliers DO NOT send to california. Why would they jepordize there business by sending to a state that is illegal. When they could get a bulk of there money from legal sought out states! If you do order you might not get shit at all. If ya need some help pm me when you get a chance ;)
Where are you in Cali, if you are near the bay area, then make way to Berkeley, SF, or Santa Cruz. Find some hippies, and ask them about shrooms/spores, you'll shrooms at the very least, and have a good chance of getting lucky and finding spores.
well i have a relative in the san Fransisco area lol i called him. i thought he would have a connect but hes all wrapped in his work so no good.
sarcasm huh? making me feel dumb haha
You huys suck, learn to share your prints, and get in the habbit of makeing spares for swaps...
I have so many to choose from, yet never bought a single print.