Looks like thrips to meCan anyone tell me what these spots r
I’m thinking lady bugs might help I’m gonna try that and see
NOT THE MAX, THE ECO.........Definitely dont use ortho bug be gone. Unless you dont value living. Has Bifenthrin as the active ingredient which the EPA lists as cancer causing.
Spinosad is less risky. But I wouldnt use it week 6.
If it were me id remove affected leaves and try and manage it as best as possible. Would remove a ton of fan leaves. They live under the fan leaves and in the ridges. This is where they hide.
Possibly get predatory insects. I had a thrip issue 2 years ago around this time I remember cause all the beneficial insect places were closed cause christmas.
I used Spinosad, but I was only week 3.
Bug b gone eco is pretty mild, and won't hurt buds, plus you can give your plants a shower an hour after applying it
Canola oil and pyrethrin