Spots on the leaves...


Active Member
Hello to you all!I am a first time grower...I just want to show you my litlle plant.It has one or two problems.I would appreciate your opinion :)
So I decided to put my plant on my balcony.It uses direct sunlight for 7hrs .I don't have any equipment for indoor grow...
I am growing this plant in a soil mix : 10% sand, 10% perlite, 20% manure,40 % humus and 20 % turf.
My baby is 22 days old.I will show some images. And I don't know why this spots are appearing...
So here are the images :



I saw this spots and I don't know if this is a big problem or not...

And this is overall pics :) I am proud with it :)



I want to know is she :P growing normal?I think it is a little short for this age :)

Thanks for the help in advance!
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No your plant looks good for how old it is..
Are you using fertilizer? Im guessing not and are you using PH tester for your water?? Im guessing not I bet you thats what those spots are from to high of ph or maybe to low..
10x man :)
Amm...The soil PH was 6.5 when I bought it...I am using fertilizer (some kind :D) and it contain all the needed nutes and microelements...the problem is that I don't have choice of different fertilizer...not many agro shops around here:-? ....may will be better to stop using this...And you are right I am not using PH meter , but I can't find one to buy :roll:...
10x man :)
I don't have choice of different fertilizer...not many agro shops around here:-? ....may will be better to stop using this...And you are right I am not using PH meter , but I can't find one to buy :roll:...

Google "Hydroponics" .... plenty of good internet stores you can buy everything you need. So far I haven't stepped foot in a hydro store.... I've purchased everything off the Internet.
Are you feeding every second watering??

I am feeding my little baby once a week ever third time...I'm using a fertilizer for Azalea(if that means sumthin to you.Azalea likes pH about 6.0-6.5 as far as i know)I was looking at it today...I am not sure but the spots are more then previos days...
I'll take pictures later...
I have another thing to do today , may be tomorrow...I have to transplant the little devil:mrgreen:
I don't know if it's not in perfect health would that be a mistake?Need some advise from you guys...I'll do my best to keep it growing!
Google "Hydroponics" .... plenty of good internet stores you can buy everything you need. So far I haven't stepped foot in a hydro store.... I've purchased everything off the Internet.

Thanks for the advice!See wath I can do...It depends on the country I live in... ;)
Thanks for the advice!See wath I can do...It depends on the country I live in... ;)

Ahhhh yes... sorry... my bad... I tend to forget that not everyone lives in the USA.

Well... if you can't find one operating in your country then perhaps that would be a good business for you to start up ;)

Good luck
Ahhhh yes... sorry... my bad... I tend to forget that not everyone lives in the USA.

Well... if you can't find one operating in your country then perhaps that would be a good business for you to start up ;)

Good luck
:) Well ,may be I'll get rich xaxa :D Only two questions left ...what fertilizer(NPK)I'm growin on sunlight..if it matters.And can I transplant?
I have a feeling your PH is high causing nutes look out. And thats why they have those spot but if it doesnt get any worse then there nothing to worry about.. Look at this picture you can see some of the leafs have the same kind of spots and the leafs under that are burnt thats from 2 much ferts or nutes luck out. you gotta look close :)
I would say try your best to find a PH tester and just use water, no nutes for 2 weeks.
And maybe get some better nutes if you can..
Are you sure it needs transplant that pot looks pretty big for that plant size and if there is roots at the bottom that could mean your watering to often you gotta let the soil dry out, the roots utilize the pot space better and grow better to.
Sun light is good just make sure its not to cold at night..


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spider mites congregate and damage plants in a way that causes spotting on the leaves.
check out your plant/soil for any small mites.
how to get rid of them? i'm not entirely sure; it's something i'm working on myself right now :(
naa its not mites :)

Grow FAQ --> It could be over fertilization, but more likely it is due to the pH being off. Too high or too low a pH can lock up nutrients in the form of undisolvable salts and compounds, some of which are actually toxic to the plants. What then happens is the grower then tries to supplement the plants diet by adding more fertilizers, throwing off the pH even more and locking up even more nutrients. This type of problem is seen more often in soil mixes, where inconsistent mixing of the medium's components leads to "hot" spots.
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10x toll you all!
I will check the soil for bugs...It does not apper to be over fertilization cus I'm using it not very often to my plant (once a week)...I water it when the soil on the top gets dry...Is this ok??May be not enough neutriants or due to the cloudy stormy weather I got here...Could it be???
I can't measure the pH right now ...I don't have pH meter ...but I'll try.As for the transplant the roots are down to the bottom ,all over the pot...
On my risk .. :( I am transplanting wish me luck! 10x guys & I'll be posting some pics before and after...:)
You want the first inch of the soil to be dry before you water about every 3-4 days, and yea transplant should be fine, good luck :) I would just be careful with the nutes because if you look at my journal you will see how I over fertilized, better safe then sorry.
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I've done it! :)
I transpanted into a bigger 2.5 gals...
I've shown some pics of the proccess ...After that а hail started...I got my plant on a safe place...I hope everything will be ok...I hope it survives after trasplanting...I think I handled that in a very proper way.Oh, and one question : I watered it right after transplanting.When to water it again?After the soil is dry in the top?Waiting for your opinion ;)You are great at guiding!

Edit: Forgot to ask ...In a 2.5 gal pot how many watering? :)


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Let the first 2 inches dry out before you water, I know I said 1 inch before but I think its 2 Ill check that out for sure :) .
Hard to say how much water just keep adding water till some drains out the bottom.
Does that pot have good drainage?
Let the first 2 inches dry out before you water, I know I said 1 inch before but I think its 2 Ill check that out for sure :) .
Hard to say how much water just keep adding water till some drains out the bottom.
Does that pot have good drainage?

Ok I will wait to dry a's better to dry then drown :D
I want to show you my baby today but the camera have problems... :(
I think the drainage is good...I put a layer of riverstones down at the's a pic...I hope I didn't broke a root or something...This morning it's looking very good after transplant...Is the plant going to slow its grow for a bit after transplant?


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