Spotty leaves

Thanks again. These are from 2 mothers about 2 months old. I use them to keep something going over the winter and clone when needed for replacements. I only do a grow once yearly outside in the spring. I started some new clones last week to replace these.
the clones u took from these mothers will have mites, nearly 100%
Yeah, he's still in veg, these are mums. No need for any toxic stuff, I keep telling you safer's or water/iso will do fine.

The most important thing you need to be aware of, is the infestation will continue until the breeding cycle is broken.
Mites are easy, spray every 2 days for 14 days. Done. I've been infested with mites multiple times since moving to Colorado. Everyone swears they're 'resistant' mites, their breeding cycle being broken says differently.

Also, no 'resistance' build up using insecticidal soaps or water/iso. They die the same way every time.
yeah Mites, I agree with purplehays Tetra-San is heavy against mites, you still can get rid of it but will be a little paranoic after. You need your room clean so you dont have this kind of issue in the future. Also when take clones from friends you must be careful with pests
yeah Mites, I agree with purplehays Tetra-San is heavy against mites, you still can get rid of it but will be a little paranoic after. You need your room clean so you dont have this kind of issue in the future. Also when take clones from friends you must be careful with pests
Can you use this on young clones?
I don't have a choice, I don't have access to anything else. I guess I'll try and treat the young clones, any suggestions?
Yes, the water and isopropyl alcohol I mentioned. Will work on both the mother plants and cuttings. Just keep it out of the root zone, like I mentioned and spray (plus rinse) every 2 days for 14 days.

Quick, inexpensive and very effective.
one ounce of iso to one gallon of water - that sounds better than other ratios i have seen as high as 1:1 which sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
one ounce of iso to one gallon of water - that sounds better than other ratios i have seen as high as 1:1 which sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
YW. Higher than 1oz and I seriously am not interested in breathing the fumes, I still spray where I'm not breathing it, if at all possible. Watch the root zone. Please be sure to post your results as well. :) 7 sprays, every 2 days. :)
Can you use this on young clones?
any vegging planty u can use pesticides on, even clones. If you are desperate send me a pre-addressed box w/ postage and ill send you some tetra-san u can hit them with will fix the problem on the clones for sure, but a mite infestation as bad as u have on the moms may be a lost cause.
any vegging planty u can use pesticides on, even clones. If you are desperate send me a pre-addressed box w/ postage and ill send you some tetra-san u can hit them with will fix the problem on the clones for sure, but a mite infestation as bad as u have on the moms may be a lost cause.
Dude, you really need to try water and iso for yourself.
Super effective, super simple, super cheap. The borg are slaves to their breeding cycle, break it and they're gone. 14 days with iso and water and they're gone.
One ounce of 70-90% isopropyl alcohol, per gallon of r/o water. Keep the iso out of the root zone, you've been warned, also use plenty of ventilation and stand 'upwind.' Iso is bad for human tissue and organs.

Tip your plants to the side, cover the root zone. Spray them down completely, let sit a few minutes, then shake the excess off and RINSE with r/o.

Do this every 2 days for 14 days. Make sure you also find and eliminate the original source of the mites, if its still around.

Is clean mtn well water with PH of 6 okay?

Do you do this in flower?

What is you are in big pots and tipping is prolematic? Cover the root zone with a towel?

Do you use 70% or 90% or are you indifferent?

Have you ever tried the 60 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 50 ml of ISO 70/90% and a few drops of Dawn in a 1 gallon sprayer?

I am trying beneficial insects like ladybugs (only good for thrips not ladybugs) and Persimilis (spidermite predators) which I am not confident will work.

Thanks for the tip.
Dude, you really need to try water and iso for yourself.
Super effective, super simple, super cheap. The borg are slaves to their breeding cycle, break it and they're gone. 14 days with iso and water and they're gone.
I buried the mothers in the woods and will try the water and iso on the clones. I really appreciate everyone's responses, you guys are the best. :peace:
Is clean mtn well water with PH of 6 okay?

Do you do this in flower?
Yes, the water is fine. :) I won't spray anything in flower. I'll either chop it all down or let it run out till harvest.

What if you are in big pots and tipping is prolematic? Cover the root zone with a towel?
I'd go with something like a heavy plastic sheet, wrapped to the stem, possibly with a towel underneath to catch drips. Yes.

Do you use 70% or 90% or are you indifferent?
Anything over 70% works.

Have you ever tried the 60 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 50 ml of ISO 70/90% and a few drops of Dawn in a 1 gallon sprayer?
Nope, sounds like it would work though.

I am trying beneficial insects like ladybugs (only good for thrips not ladybugs) and Persimilis (spidermite predators) which I am not confident will work.
I flower at 72F maximum canopy temp, none of the insects breed quickly in my rooms. I'm also a huge non-fan of bug parts and feces in my flowers. Bleah!

Thanks for the tip.
Glad I could help :)