Spotty plant - pics - please help!


Active Member
Please help!

So I made a new thread please take a look at the new pictures these spots started after the plant went into flowering. It is now 5 weeks into flowering. I have two more that just started flowering that are allready showing spots for the past week. What should I do.

This is not spider mites! It is DWC recirculating setup.

Using GH Flora, ph is 5.5... good air circulation etc..:roll::cry:



Well-Known Member
one word magnesium will get worse...looks worse in soil grows the FAQ in sick plants won't help cause there all soil grows look up the trace elements online for your nutes and see if it has low mag or none def not mites epsom salts will fix that fast but start with a little and work up I would use way less that the tea spoon per gallon more like one to ten gallons of resivior water ect some plants like mag a bunch in flower thats always when it starts too hope this helps just my 2 cents a tea spoon a gallon is good for watering soil but I wouldn't soak my roots in it at that strength :)


Active Member
Thanks alot NotMine that helps alot, I thought it was magnesium so I will see what happens!
Any other thoughts or tips by anyone would help aswell!
