

Well-Known Member
Okay then i think that's where i fucked up, i planted like four in there and then they grew and eventully died, I said i was in Class like in college, They are grown outside with natural sunlight. What do you mean Allowed to grow weed?
the roots from those little guys arent enough to choke out eachother.. ive planted more then one seed in a pot and did fine, i just transplanted em to there own pots before they really started to veg out. your seedlings are dead. time for you to try again, if your strapped for cash right now, even cfl's will work, a lot of people here get good results. then youll atleast learn to grow until you got the $$ to upgrade. look up some micro grows or something, also its october, unless you live somewhere that stays nice year round.. youre not growing outdoors. and even if it does stay real nice out year round, you can 12/12 in winter, but if you arent done when spring rolls around youre gonna be revegging


Active Member
What's the best time to grow outdoor's? And any places that show grow cabinats?
I only grow indoors, but for outdoors, you want to start in spring and harvest in fall. As far as a grow cabinet, you don't really have to buy a designated cabinet for a stealthy grow. you can literally use a cabinet, cupboard, closet, etc. Like someone said above, if you're strapped for cash, get some CFLs. I've seen people pull well over an ounce a plant in a kitchen cabinet with CFLs and only having a 1 1/2 gallon pots and crappy MG nutes and potting mix. Just read around the forum, you can learn everything you need to know to grow from just reading all the posts. I knew nothing, literally zero about growing weed before I started reading here. Hell, I didn't even know how to roll a joint until recently lol. I read a lot on here, and have been pretty successful so far by putting together bits and pieces of info I've gathered.

Many people will gladly give you some advice, but they are going to be reluctant if you're not trying to find some of it on your own. I'm still a noob at the whole game, but like I said, read, read, read and if you have any common sense at all, you'll be able to grow out some decent buds with what you find here.