spray for mold

ky farmer

Well-Known Member
last fall there was a few people but I cant rember who it was,that said there was stuff to spray for mold befor it starts they sayed that stuff would eat the mold befor you could see it..so whats the best out door spray befor the mold starts.
last fall there was a few people but I cant rember who it was,that said there was stuff to spray for mold befor it starts they sayed that stuff would eat the mold befor you could see it..so whats the best out door spray befor the mold starts.
I have tried all kinds of stuff 99.9%of it does nothing for bud rot,best thing u can do is spray bt for the cats an hope for the best. I used 3% peroxcide on active bud rot last yr worked pretty good just have to stay on top of it.
a more harmless method could be to try ozone.
Those ozone generators are cheap, may worth a try.
Internet at least says it it used to treat mold.

You could try to bring the gas directly to the mold or may ozonise some water and spray that (hopin it wont coause more mold).
it really comes down to the weather at harvest time. high rh is the killer.i would never spray serenade late in flower for bud rot:spew:
Actinovate is best for the last 4 weeks. It only last 4 weeks once you open the pack anyways. It has no smell.
Excel LG, Serenade and Actinovate are the methods I would recommend.

Using Eagle 20 is frowned upon. I don't think it hangs around as long as Avid or Floramite does, that stuff can hang around for a long long time, over 180 days but the myclobutanil can hang around for a while.

Here is something someone who had testing done posted, showed that after 180 days there was no sign of Eagle 20.

I have been wondering how long these pesticides stay in the plant and do they really show up when you get something lab tested...

Well 180 ish days ago I sprayed 7 Cuts with the Recommended dose of:

Forbid 4F
Eagle 20

(No I didn't have mites or PM)

Not at the same time, but over the course of 2 weeks...

They Vegged for another 9-10 weeks, then on in the flower room they went..

Well last week after a few week cure it was time to get the samples tested...

I got them tested by Ca Testing Authority...

All 7 samples tested the same...

Avid 8ppm
Floramite 5ppm

Forbid and Eagle 20 free!
I was told by them that an acceptable amount is 1ppm for human consumption.

Now 180 days is a long time and I am not sure how long it actually stays. I don't recommend Eagle 20 unless as a last resort to save some rare genetics for later use.