Sprayed Sulfur... Now Residue on leaves

What can I do about these spots that came because of a Sulfur Spray I did on my plants, details below:

- Sprayed because after much research I concluded I had Rust Fungi
- Used "BONIDE PRODUCTS INC 142 Sulfur Plant Fungicide Organically"
- Did it also as a preventative to other fungi
- I Sprayed and turned lights off for 8 hours
- Fans off also, but fans that take heat out left on
- Portable AC left on
- After 8 hours, fans and lights back on
- 4 tbsp in 1.3 gallon sprayer
- Sprayed under and above leaves, in pot on soil, around pot and some space between

- Indoor, Fox Farm Soil, Veg Stage 2-3 months, Water about every 3 days

My questions are:

Are these spots a sign off bad spraying?

Should these be wiped off (tediously)?

Did I mix the Sulfur and water wrong?

By the way EVERY leaf was dry to the touch.


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What can I do about these spots that came because of a Sulfur Spray I did on my plants, details below:

- Sprayed because after much research I concluded I had Rust Fungi
- Used "BONIDE PRODUCTS INC 142 Sulfur Plant Fungicide Organically"
- Did it also as a preventative to other fungi
- I Sprayed and turned lights off for 8 hours
- Fans off also, but fans that take heat out left on
- Portable AC left on
- After 8 hours, fans and lights back on
- 4 tbsp in 1.3 gallon sprayer
- Sprayed under and above leaves, in pot on soil, around pot and some space between

- Indoor, Fox Farm Soil, Veg Stage 2-3 months, Water about every 3 days

My questions are:

Are these spots a sign off bad spraying?

Should these be wiped off (tediously)?

Did I mix the Sulfur and water wrong?

By the way EVERY leaf was dry to the touch.
Did this bead up on the leaves? Things like sulfur often need a surfactant added so that it actually spreads out.
Did this bead up on the leaves? Things like sulfur often need a surfactant added so that it actually spreads out.
By "bead up" you mean droplets, yes (sigh), I've should've known better but I learned that I should've sprayed with a finer mist and shook the plant to knock off the droplets.

But FYI, after spraying within 2 minutes I turned the lights off for 6-8 hours, no fans only ran AC and inline fans to suck air out of room.

Call you give me examples of surfactant that I could buy, possibly on Amazon?
By "bead up" you mean droplets, yes (sigh), I've should've known better but I learned that I should've sprayed with a finer mist and shook the plant to knock off the droplets.

But FYI, after spraying within 2 minutes I turned the lights off for 6-8 hours, no fans only ran AC and inline fans to suck air out of room.

Call you give me examples of surfactant that I could buy, possibly on Amazon?
Also suggested is the adding of a surfactant such as a bit of plant soap. This reduces the surface tension of the water on the plant leaf surface.
By "bead up" you mean droplets, yes (sigh), I've should've known better but I learned that I should've sprayed with a finer mist and shook the plant to knock off the droplets.

But FYI, after spraying within 2 minutes I turned the lights off for 6-8 hours, no fans only ran AC and inline fans to suck air out of room.

Call you give me examples of surfactant that I could buy, possibly on Amazon?
Bonide Products INC 912102 652 Ready-to-Use Insect Soap, Quart, 1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BQLQU6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_IdgpDbCSHD24B

Note that these soaps are insecticides as well so there’s that help. Should not take but a few drops in a spray bottle of sulfur.
You mean like a rain storm would do if these were outdoors? basically drench them?
yes just respray them with water ...see if the spots start to fade.

And more than not you didnt have rust fungi, I never heard of rust fungi but that doesnt matter as there are tons of stuff I never heard of, most new growers just pick a neat problem and apply a solution to that.

I myself wouldnt spray sulfer on my plants if I had rust fungi or PM or anything in between.
If you spray with plain water I’ll still strongly recommend a surfactant. The smallest drop of Dawn dish soap is perfect. Just stir it in. Do not shake for the slower among us.