sprayed weed


Active Member
yo got a quarter here, got it from a mate, thing is one of my other mates reckons its been sprayed.:neutral:

what do they spray it with?

and how can i tell?

the weed looks really really good, i would think they would do this with shit weed not good stuff....

only reason i ask is i must admit the first joint i just had did fuck me up for 2 hours.. i normally don't get stoned easy..

hope to hear from someone thanks:bigjoint:


Active Member
just ordered a drug test kit on ebay, i must know!

his drug test will test for the all the common drugs in the UK.
ALL OPIATES (including Heroin and Morphine)
COCAINE (including Crack and Coke)
ECSTASY (including E’S)
SPEED (including Whizz and all Amphetamines)
ALL BENZOS (including Valium and Rohypnol)
METHADONE (including Red Rock and Dolly)
ALL MARIJUANA (including Cannabis and Skunk)
ALL BARBITURATES (including Pentothal and phenobarbital)
PHENYCYCLIDINE (including Angel Dust and Ketamine)

if its anything i reckon its PHENYCYCLIDINE (PCP)


New Member
usually when someone says it's been sprayed, they mean with "Febreeze" which gives it a "better" aroma. Blech!!!


Well-Known Member
Ive even heard of GREEDY dealers spraying with FIBERGLASS, to give a crystal effect. FILTH


Active Member
grit weed yeah, i know what ur saying, they cover the plants in sand when they are still budding, gives the end harvest more weight


New Member
I've run across it through friends. i haven't purchased weed in many years, but all kinds of crud is used by disreputable dealers. Where there is money, there is greed.


Active Member
ive gotten pot on a few occasions and still actually have some "strawberry cough" on one of those, " I cant stay here just give me the money and get outta here" scams.

Tastes almost as if sprayed with that cough syrup crap

another called kill berry. terrible artificial taste.

I hated them. both sativa's so maybe some coincidence


Well-Known Member
First off, know this: There is no "they" when it comes to weed. Buying weed is not like buying something from walmart. One persons definition of "sprayed" will always be different than others. If a dealer buys a pound of grass, sits on it for too long and it drys out, he will sometimes spray it with water to get it back to weight before he resells it.

Truth is though, you never know who has touched, pissed on, defecated in, or sprayed god knows what on your commercial weed. I would say that 75% of the commercial weed sold in the US has had no more than water, if anything at all sprayed on it. Its not like the farmer is spraying shit on his crop to make it smell or look good, because when it leaves his hands it looks & smells fine without having to do anything.

Once it sits for a long time, and mind you any bag you buy could be YEARS old, it will dry and smell funky. Also, its not a complete myth that Mexicans piss on weed before sending it to the states, because they know most of it will end up in punk ass American kids' hands.

People who claim a bag has been "sprayed" or "cut" or claim that they know exactly how it was modified just by looking at it are usually 100% full of shit. Take your chances or grow your own, plain & simple.

As far as the weed getting you stoned for 2 hours......is this a problem? Is it a different high than usual? Chances are if it was laced it would A) be more expensive and B) give a totally different high than just weed.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, why would someone put more money into lacing weed with drugs that are more expensive and less available? Makes no sense.


Active Member
they some times so i read dissolve PCP in water and spray the bud, its dirt cheap and it gives the smoke more of a kick... there was a big problem back in the 90's with sprayed weed so i read on google people getting ill from smoking it. they do it trust me... and yeah it did the high was a little odd. smoked it and felt wasted a bit woozy even..


Well-Known Member
Alot of this sprayed crap wont burn. Id say majority of drugs they BOSH the granny out of it. Ive smoked some 'orrible rocky before! yuk


Active Member
dont get me wrong this shit looks and smells fucking great.. this is why i can't be sure... my mate who told me it was sprayed knows what he is talking about.. but i thought it was only ever done to shit weed / or big bags of chopped up male plants, to give the smoker a buzz from it when smoked.. now like i was saying i don't really get stoned easy and this fucked me.. in fact i just woke up after a nights sleep and i feel a little groggy,

meh need to do more research this stuff really looks good and STINKS... i wouldn't think this would need to be altered..

only other thing other than the rush type feeling i got off it is, the bud is very fluffy when u break a bit up to put it in a J the consistency of the green is almost like styrofoam ( i know this sounds odd, but i mean just the way it breaks apart in my hand.. sticky in the middle of the gear too... bud is really well dryed and cured. odd that im getting a sticky like substance on my hands from the middle of it..

dont get me wrong i would like nothing better for it to be ok.. just i would never knowingly fuck with PCP or anything like that.