Spraying Bud With Salvia Tincture?


Wondering has anybody tried this?
I have a couple of questions regarding this as I haven't found
any thread about it,be free to post me links that explains this further
I had no luck finding it yet

1. Does it really add its psychoactive substances to a bud
2. Does Salvia substance stick indefinitely to a bud i.e
(tincture has alcohol inside so does it evaporate when sprayed on bud)
3. If the above in fact isn't possible,is it possible to mix Salvia tincture with
Cannabis tincture,hash oils or bubble hash

Salvia Sage Extract 20X - 1 gram - Spoon Pipes - Colored and Color Changing Glass - Smoking Pipes - Grasscity.com

Please do not respond to this thread advising me other stuff and claiming that
this isn't the way or such similar posts as I am investigating this specific topic
and I would appreciate answers from personal experience

thank you

I am also interested how is this proces also compatibile with another
substance extract called Kratom that I've found on grassity headshop
(Fenix Black - Liquid Bali Kratom Extract - 10ml - Kratom - Psychedelic Highs - Legal Highs - Grasscity.com)


Well-Known Member
...Why would you want to mix something as dangerous and messed up as salvia into your lovely safe bud... Its things like this that give people ammunition to say herb is bad for you cause you cant know where it came from and it might be laced with dangerous stuff.


Well-Known Member
Tinctures involve some form of solvent such as alcohol to render. Why spray that on your leaves? Besides the plant might go on a trip but any wishful thinking that this tincture would impart some lasting effect to the plant that would then be passed on to you seems a real stretch I would name "impossible".

Oh as to personal experience just stay on here and see how many say they have done this and that it worked.

Mixing any tinctures is easy if the solvent base is chemically similar. So to my question: Are you intending on doing this to trick other people into smoking this then-contaminated shit?


Active Member
Kratom is amazing I got off methadone with it its actualy unreal, SALVIA on the other hand is horrible trippy shit why would u ever want to destroy gods gift with that shit bad idea off the bat bro.


Tinctures involve some form of solvent such as alcohol to render. Why spray that on your leaves? Besides the plant might go on a trip but any wishful thinking that this tincture would impart some lasting effect to the plant that would then be passed on to you seems a real stretch I would name "impossible".

Oh as to personal experience just stay on here and see how many say they have done this and that it worked.

Mixing any tinctures is easy if the solvent base is chemically similar. So to my question: Are you intending on doing this to trick other people into smoking this then-contaminated shit?
No Harley my intention is not to contaminate cannabis or make myself a local franchise
I am seeking for first hand experience with this,and let me explain myself a bit further
As 'LordRalh3' has stated in above comment that Salvia is dangerous that is not even close to a truth,it is in theory the most psychoactive substance in the world but has no dangerous properties
It is a very short trip in most cases when smoking it,it lasts from 2-10 minutes,with oral consummation it can last up to 1 hour,there are no recorded cases of intoxication or mental damages it is actually rather good in suppressing depression,alcohol dependency,pain,insomnia,schizophrenia and more
And to further explain some things,some people who are smoking Salvia in various occasions mix in some cannabis cause it then has a whole different experience to it,it is different from individual trips of Cannabis or Salvia it is something third not a mix of the two effects,sometimes relaxing and all body high with deep thinking if more thc properties got in and if more Salvia got in,it has interesting auditory and visual experience.
Of course many people experimenting with this had some bad experiences but as with all psychoactive substances if a person is not ready or if he is ignorant or in a wrong place this things are bound to happen
I am interested into investigating a way to blend this two somehow as stated above in my first comment,by tincture mix or spraying the bud,this could give me interesting effects when I would be able to control Salvia-Cannabis tincture ratio and would also decrease my volume as these two are rather large and illegal in most of the world.


Well-Known Member
I won't judge, but i agree.. salvia is about as pleasing as a kick to the balls. I liked it when I was young, but back then I was up for anything that made me giggle at air.
Try DMT... it's like Salvia, but not fucking terrible.

To answer your question... I would mix the extract (x10, or whatever) with some water hash that is still soft enough to work...
If I remember correctly it needs lots of heat to release the goods (or bads) so I would think you would need to keep the hash hot with a direct flame.. this is sort of wasteful with hash, but, it should do the trick.

For me, big hash hits are deadly... going through that rough trip of salvia followed by waaay to large of a hash hit... sounds terrible.


I won't judge, but i agree.. salvia is about as pleasing as a kick to the balls. I liked it when I was young, but back then I was up for anything that made me giggle at air.
Try DMT... it's like Salvia, but not fucking terrible.

To answer your question... I would mix the extract (x10, or whatever) with some water hash that is still soft enough to work...
If I remember correctly it needs lots of heat to release the goods (or bads) so I would think you would need to keep the hash hot with a direct flame.. this is sort of wasteful with hash, but, it should do the trick.

For me, big hash hits are deadly... going through that rough trip of salvia followed by waaay to large of a hash hit... sounds terrible.
You really should try mixing the Canabis and Salvia in bong as you obviously haven't felt the right trip Salvia gives when taken properly (with or without Cannabis)
or try to chew on it
the part that is very crucial for most of people is to do this in a familiar surrounding with the lights completely off and eyes shut while laying down,and always try to take turns with people you are in the room so you can look for one another as sometimes in this 2-10 min trip people stand up and start walking and tripping on objects,any other version of taking Salvia or a combination is relative and has unexpected outcomes whilst taking it the right way always has a very serenic and natural feeling.

I would think that it would stress the plant, but then again who knows haha. Maybe i'll try it out on a personal plant ;P
Dank,you missed the topic of this thread,it is not about spraying it on a live plants bud,it is about spraying it on a freshly cured or dried bud,and about mixing two of the tinctures together


What about crack? I'll better sprinkling crack on my bud would be cool too...
Well if you really want to,and you have a taste for that kind of a narcotic
(it is very addictive,can be controlled but most succumb to it after number of uses)
then you actually can melt and spray or dip it with crack,crystal meth,heroin,cocain and it will stick to a bud,but it will be incredibly hard to burn in a paper or blunt
so you would have to use a bong or a pipe
but be aware that this is extremely unhealthy for your lungs and teeth,and is least to say distasteful to smoke
in my opinion do not do it,but it is a life of choice


Well-Known Member
Well if you really want to,and you have a taste for that kind of a narcotic
(it is very addictive,can be controlled but most succumb to it after number of uses)
then you actually can melt and spray or dip it with crack,crystal meth,heroin,cocain and it will stick to a bud,but it will be incredibly hard to burn in a paper or blunt
so you would have to use a bong or a pipe
but be aware that this is extremely unhealthy for your lungs and teeth,and is least to say distasteful to smoke
in my opinion do not do it,but it is a life of choice
Never mind then... I have pretty nice teeth :D

What about maybe special k or ghb? I never did "k" before so don't know if it can be smoked - I'm told it's snorted... But I did ghb, love the shit out of it and told it can be smoked... might have to give it a shot - if I ever get anymore, can't find it :( But I won't waste nice bud on it... Maybe the lower branches popcorn stuff will be okay for it - usually ground for hash anyways.


Well-Known Member
Why combine the two? Separately is the way to go. Do a bowl of marijuana, start to smile and enjoy droopy eyes - then do a bowl of salvia afterwards and turn in to a non functioning, disassociated trip monkey. I'll just have the marijuana and sit back and piss myself laughing at you! ;-)


Why combine the two? Separately is the way to go. Do a bowl of marijuana, start to smile and enjoy droopy eyes - then do a bowl of salvia afterwards and turn in to a non functioning, disassociated trip monkey. I'll just have the marijuana and sit back and piss myself laughing at you! ;-)
Yes,but then again this topic is specifically for joining these substances together either over tincture or spraying not combining them in a way you mentioned for this is well known