Spraying Just Taken Clones with Floramite or Other Mite Control Liquids?


Well-Known Member
Have a Sour Diesel mom out in the garage in a Hydro Hut.. just can't seem to keep the mites off her. I started in with spraying her with SoyaNara almost daily, seems to be helping for sure but they just seem to always come back.

In about two weeks I'll be taking cuts from her for my next cycle. I'm curious do you guys spray freshly taken with Floramite or similar mite repellents.

I had one batch of clones get eaten alive by mites and they were unable to be used, but admittedly, I hadn't been giving the Mom the attention she needs.

Just looking for ways to make sure that doesn't happen again. Here's another idea... take the cuts, and put the Humidity Dome in the Hydro Hut in garage with the mom... and bomb, first with Pyrethrium, and a few days later with the Attain... having left the lid of the Humidity Dome off so it kills all the mites on the new babies as well.

Have you guys tried any of these methods? Perhaps even just bombing the Hydro Hut a few days prior to taking the cuts would get the job done - I just find it nearly impossible to keep these fuckers off my mom for any extended period.


Well-Known Member
dud all i can say is that fox farm`s don`t bug me spray works awsome, gets rid of mites, and everything else. Just use as directed and use frequently and they won`t come back.
and i have used dish soap mix with water, just a little squirt in a spray bottle filled with water. i sprayed my plants with this every day for a few days to a week and got rid of my bugs, all of them. and is perfecly safe. i used ivory dish soap...hope this helps, and good luck


Well-Known Member
Bought some Einstein Oil... have heard it works well. My flowering room is in control right now just the mothers keep getting infected. How late into flower do you guys use Pyrthruium on an 8 week strain? Am I okay lighting off bombs until week 4 and leaving them without for 5,6,7,8?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about just this situation today... I have sprayed all my plants to de-mite them but I have some 2 day old clones coming along taken from the sprayed plants
I figgered that I would just do them later if they showed signs of the little suckers...they are just too frail to spray with such intense compounds,,,am I right..???