Spring '17

The BIL told me to throw out the seeds from all my Jack Carlos Cross crosses and we would run the B&S X CP1 going forward. I did put seeds in the ground from three of the new crosses, but killed them when they came up. So many choices, they might not see the soil again this year.

B&S X CP1 {PP#2} There was a few seeds. Will have to look back to see who's the Daddy on this one.

Rotten Stinking Bastard. A pure bitch to trim. Good meaty buds though. She was the runt of 4 plants that got left in a one gallon pot due to {lack of} light space. Also the only female. There were no side limbs. Just the main stalk wrapped in buds. The Mamma was a bud worm magnet {thus the name}, but so far there have been none on her.

Cut in half.


Bucked off the stem with a rough trim.

You got some top quality buds there mate, well done!!
At least you got some seeds to go forward with, I look forward to seeing them grow :)
Yes indeed. Happy with the seeds I made. It looks like the Blueberry X Shark Shock pollen didn't take on the BS Squared though. I also used it on B&S X CP1 #1 and CP1 X Slo2. Saw a couple of seeds in each of those, but none so far in the BS Squared. That male wasn't really pumped up anyway. If I had known how purple the Gorille de Raisin was going to be, I would have used some of that pollen on her. I still have that to look forward to with the full season crop.
I found my grow notebook, so here are the crosses I had planned. {do not have all the bud in front of me at the moment, so not sure how many of these made seeds}

Peach Patch
{Blueberry X Shark Shock} X {Big & Stinky X CP1 #1} I did see at least one seed of this.
{Blueberry X Shark Shock} X {CP1 X Slo2}
{Gorille de Raisin #1} X {Big & Stinky X CP1 #2}
{Powernap X Sinmint Cookies} X {Little Sister, or so I believe}

Peach Patch South
Ass Cheese #1 X Ass Cheese
Ass Cheese #1 X Gorille de Raisin
{Blueberry X Shark Shock} X BS Squared

Seed Tester Location
(white twist tie){Powernap X Sinmint Cookies} X Gorille de Raisin
{(blue hay string){Ass Cheese #1 X Gorille de Raisin
(white twist tie} Powernap X Sinmint Cookies} X Ass Cheese
(blue hay string) Ass Cheese #1 X Ass Cheese

Leftover from the Fall/Winter Seed Test
(Powernap X Sinmint Cookies {BIL}) X {Big & Stinky X CP1}

There is a few "who's your Daddy" seeds on both the Ass Cheese and Gorille de Raisin. I sprayed them down good with water. Maybe not good enough on some, and too good on others.
Excellent man, you should have some nice plants out of the new batch of seeds!
I will have to run some of the AC and GdR. And the BS X BS, BB X SS and PN X SMC. I haven't grown them full season yet. B&S X CP1 is a must too. Plus all five of the Shit/Skunk, etc. crosses. That is 11 strains before I pop a single seed from the Spring Crop. Limiting myself to a reasonable number of plants is going to be hard.
I'm sitting here at work getting a little trimming done. Just found a damn bud worm in some Gorille de Raisin that was chopped a week ago today. I guess I will back through all of it, just to make sure I've found them all.
Stayed at the camp last night. Been on the trail a lot, and haven't really worked my pot for a couple of weeks. So I did a little more trimming, and collected a few seeds. All of these {except the Peach} were from the Spring crop. I didn't shell any out, other than the joints I rolled. Just roughed them up a little and got the beans that fell out. Haven't done any seed test on these yet. Might put a couple down this weekend when I start some B&S X CP1 for the BIL.

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One Tray Jumper and one 60/40. I use three trays when trimming or collecting seeds, and always turn them upside down between strains. Except when I forget to. So if I turned the trays upside down after the Ass Cheese {stl}, the 60/40 is 100% Powernap X Sinmint Cookies {pps} X CP1 {stl}. If I didn't turn the trays upside down, there is a chance the seed is Powernap X Sinmint Cookies {bil} X Ass Cheese {stl}