No. I've never tried it before but have had pretty good results. I had 3 of 3 make it last time and i just got home last night and our looks like the 18 clones are rooting. I have been soaking the pellets and misting them. With rain water.
So i watered this morning and it looks like my blue moonshine is a hermie. I will have top remove it before the flowers open. I don't think it's worth picking the flowers since I'm making seeds anyways. no point in pollinating ahermie for those seeds. Two of my gorilla glue's outside might be boy too. I've gotta make it work with the 20 clones I've got off the girls then. I think that should be enough.
Checked in this morning and things are growing nicely. I got out the ladder and climbed up and raised the lights some more. These bear creek plants are super stretchy. I gave the male. Blue moonshine one more shake over the girls and fed it to the goats. The bear creek girls are full of seeds now. This fall ill start selective growing the seeds and try to produce feminized seeds of the best one. Either naming it the b-dub funk, or vz kush. Heres a shot of the girls, a seeded bud, and @Dr.D81 , the last photo is the gg4. I'm thinking it's a boy.
So i got all the clones potted in little jiffy pots with perlite vermiculite mix. I'm keeping them on the porch a few days until they can handle full sun. I figure ill veg them outside for free then flower so i can do a harvest every couple weeks.
So here's an update. One of the two gorilla glue's that are outdoors is a male. The goats loved it. Now i have one that is a female. The blue moonshine is flowering quite a bit. I don't know why unless it has something to do with the fact that it's about 10 weeks old. It should make some weight though. The first two clones of bear creek kush are doing great and the second round of clones has 2 that are kind of small compared to the others. They are doing real nice though. The bck indoors are huge. They are about 6 foot above the pot. I'm going to get so many seeds from them. I would love to just plant a 500 foot row of them along the pasture fenceline lol. I would have to quit my job and gaurd that day and night though.
Wow its been awhile. Here's some pics of the bear creek kush clones i made. They didn't get huge, but they are making some sweet smelling buds. @Dr.D81