I think 10 dollars is the absolute maximum anyone should ask. But by that same token, I feel as if one were to say, "I've only got 6, man." Then the person should give it to them for 6, as it should not be about the money by any means (Should one try to recoup their costs? Sure, but don't be a greedy asshole) it should be about the experience. I have laid paper on most all of my closest friends at one point or another, no money is exchanged...ever. It is a gift from the Universe (I'll get more into this in a second) and should not be profited from. The experience is the penultimate test of humility and humbleness. Can you step back from it all, and really let go? Can you surrender to the flow? Or will you merely fight against the current? Knowing that alternate reality exists (whatever it may be - All in my head? Or really a step into something larger, something greater?) brings me comfort in this reality.
It is a gift from the Universe. Call it God (If you absolutely, positively MUST), call it a chemical, call it a drug, call it whatever. It is a sacrament from the Universe. It is a constant reminder that billions of years ago, this galaxy didn't exist. At one point...BANG! All the matter, gas, and everything burst into existence. The Big Bang. In an instant: Life. And through that...eventually Lysergic was created from the Universe. But where was it found? In our galaxy. On our planet.On fungus on our rye grain existed this one little precursor to consciousness expansion: the test from the Universe. Can we decode the fungus? Have we advanced to the point where we actually question such a thing like..."Maybe there could be something usable within the chemical composition of the funus?" We isolated the precursor and made the reactions needed to isolate the Sacrament.
Now you all know what I think about as I try to figure out what the hell the meaning of existence is.