Spring water for DWC

As the title says, I am curious about using spring water for a DWC grow.
I have access to as much of it as I want, and it is clean, drinkable water.

Next time I am in the area I will gather a few liters and test the PPM and

Anything else I should be worried about?

I have a feeling this will be a big no-no, as there might be bad bacteria in it.
I use rain water when i can get it......... 6.0 ph 000 ppm:peace:

For sure! I can get rain water as well, the mother-in-law has a giant rain barrel, and it's been pouring here lately!

There's nothing wrong with my tap water, but why not use something different if it is available?
Misterman: by who's standards is it /potabledrinkable? The crap that comes out of my tap is supposedly safe to drink but it scores anywhere from 450 to 500 ppm's and a pH that can get near 10 during the summer. The problem is going to be the mineral content that will react with the nutes you use. If you R/O it there shouldn't be a problem but you might want to have it lab tested first. A friend of mine moved into an beautiful mountainous area in Arizona that was once a mining region and there's so much arsenic in the water it's not drinkable. I wouldn't want to smoke his stuff. I hope this helps. HSA
Lolz ;-)

The only thing to watch out for is Ph.
I use tap water too.
I used to use straight tap till my water quadrupled in shit, from 70 to 280 ppm. I think it may have been the fact that they went to chloramine instead of chlorine. All I know is shit in hydro started kicking left and right, I even went as far as to transplant into soil which worked, I'm now running nothing but RO.
I use tap water and dont even have to check the ph...every time i do check it its right at 6...i live in the desert at the base of lake arrowhead and supposedly all my water is coming from the mountain... And i also have a spring near by and a well in my backyard...dont see any issues here...(except for the well water, just dont know) ...like to see what happens