sprinkle a little tinkle


Active Member
one of my plants was dying from lack of nutrients, and i try to do everything organically. i was thinking, "what has those nutrients in it, is organic, and is free?"

the answer: pee pee.

i was reading that in a very high dilution, urine can help plants. so i mixed 1:15 (1 part urine, 15 parts distilled water), poured it over the plant, and overnight IT REVIVED ITSELF and is now one of the healthiest plants in the bunch. a few days later, another plant began dying, so i made a fresh batch of tinkle water and poured it over the plant. a day later, it's completely revived.

i'm not sure how scientific it is, but it's apparently working on my plants. the key is to use fresh urine, and don't reuse it, as it will turn to ammonia in 24 hours and kill the plant.

soooo if you have some dying plants, and it's not life or death whether they survive, and you feel like doing an experiment, try it! :)


Well-Known Member
lol No Fucking doubt, ive heard about this but i will be damned if im gonna piss on what im gonna smoke..


Well-Known Member
soo if i put pee on my plants they'll get pee flavor??.... hummm ima put a slice of pizza see what happens :) .... or put ice cream on it muuajjajajajaja im eviL!!!!


Active Member
haha... no, my plants are only about 4" tall, the sick ones were only about an inch tall. i doubt that if i use a teaspoon of urine during the next week of their growth, i will be smoking pee when they're completely mature and harvested. if you grow yours outdoors, you're smoking god knows how much insect pee, poo, and other bodily functions.

who knows, it may be extra-psychedelic.
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Well-Known Member
this is rediculus y does this keep comin up. u wouldnt want to use human waste of any kind on any plant wehter u care about it or not. even if it is diluted.


Well-Known Member
I got no problem with it at all.
Because I handle it like the potentialy health threatining stuff that it is.
Rubber gloves, libral hand washing, good diet (prosessed food pee smells),don't splash and a healthy dillution, at least 20:1. Aged pee stinks too bad to deal with, don't use it myself.
After reading some of the posts, I can see why one would be put off.


Well-Known Member
I use it mostly for mulch pile nirtogen sorce, and use it all the time.
Because I handle it like the potentialy health threatining stuff that it is.:spew:
Rubber gloves, libral hand washing, good diet (prosessed food pee smells),don't splash and a healthy dillution, at least 20:1. Aged pee stinks too bad to deal with, don't use it myself.
After reading some of the posts, I can see why one would be put off.