sprout but won't grow


Has anyone ever heard of seeds that sprout (crack and a white tail popes out) but don't develop any further?

The problem happened with 10 lowryder #2 seeds. They were cracked w/paper towel then transferred to pete moss growing things in a heated greenhouse until they broke the surface, then moved to non-greenhouse grow area. All other strains broke the surface and were transfered but not the LR2. It has been 15 days so they are certainly dead.

Any ideas about what happened? Could they be bad seeds or was it most likely my fault? I ask because I'm thinking about asking for new seeds but if I'm the one that messed up I don't want to screw the company over. PLEASE HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever heard of seeds that sprout (crack and a white tail popes out) but don't develop any further?

The problem happened with 10 lowryder #2 seeds. They were cracked w/paper towel then transferred to pete moss growing things in a heated greenhouse until they broke the surface, then moved to non-greenhouse grow area. All other strains broke the surface and were transfered but not the LR2. It has been 15 days so they are certainly dead.

Any ideas about what happened? Could they be bad seeds or was it most likely my fault? I ask because I'm thinking about asking for new seeds but if I'm the one that messed up I don't want to screw the company over. PLEASE HELP!!!
it was prolly the way u germinated them..touching the roots could hurt them..i use rockwool to germinate...less stress on roots...actually none


Active Member
Has anyone ever heard of seeds that sprout (crack and a white tail popes out) but don't develop any further?

The problem happened with 10 lowryder #2 seeds. They were cracked w/paper towel then transferred to pete moss growing things in a heated greenhouse until they broke the surface, then moved to non-greenhouse grow area. All other strains broke the surface and were transfered but not the LR2. It has been 15 days so they are certainly dead.

Any ideas about what happened? Could they be bad seeds or was it most likely my fault? I ask because I'm thinking about asking for new seeds but if I'm the one that messed up I don't want to screw the company over. PLEASE HELP!!!
I'd say you most likely overwatered. Its very easy to drown your seeds in the paper towel method. The seeds start looking for water to absorb as soon as it gets dark and damp around it, but if it absorbs too much, the embryo will rot, resulting in death.

I've sprouted in paper towels before, but recently I switched straight to soil when I germinate. I even use the same grow container from start to finish, to minimize plant stress and maximize root development.

Avoid using small grow containers then progressing upwards, use one for the whole season, hey, less work for you and less stress for the plant.

Planting seeds right in soil is perhaps lengthier than its towel counterpart, but its natural and you have less chance in drowning your seeds.

*Theres no magical paper towel fairys who live in the woods*


Thanks guys. I figured I did something but wasn't sure and I agree about the paper towel method causing stress or drowning them. I'm thinking maybe the peat moss holds a bit too much water too. Next time around I'm going with soil and a bit easier on the water.