Sprouted Hemp Seed Tea?

Hemp seed. This has to be the most effective for spouted seed tea surely?
I bought a couple of pounds of hemp seed on FeeBay,, so I just put a cup on to soak...
Any thoughts? (Are hemp seeds even legal to buy in the states? :confused: I got mine from a fishing store )
ah man there was someone here that did this already, and my shitty stoner memory forgot...
was it one of the dons?
or Mohican?
fuck man...
I just put some chick peas to soak...I have two Incredible Bulk seedlings so thought I'd do a side by side. Chick pea Vs Hemp...
Strange...I was in the act of putting more hemp and beans on to soak as you posted o_O
2nd dose of enzyme teas in a couple of days....
Right then..clothes back on then. :grin:

Two Incredible Bulk, the one on the left received the hemp spout tea, and on the right had chick pea.
However, the one on the left was originally smaller of the two. :confused:
A mung bean tea for righty, and hemp tea for lefty, will be ready tomorrow and administered.

Incredible Bulk.jpg

I also put two Delicious Candy on to soak yesterday, and will be treating those seedlings in the same manner; One on whatever sprout tea, and the other on hemp.....