So overnight, 1 of my 5 northern lights seeds popped through the soil. I have a few questions.. first, for my sprouted seed, I noticed the stem popped out and the seed is cracked open but still attached. What do I do to remove it? Let it fall off? Also I have them germing in a soiless mix. (equal parts of sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and ewc) Do i have to feed it anything? and if not when do I start feeding it, roughly? I have a ss soil to transplant to in about three weeks, will it be fine in the unammended soil til then?
second, is for my other 4 still under soil. Any idea why that might be? Just every seed is different? I've watered all them the same times, same amount.. they were all placed in to soil same day. They all come inside when it's too cold outside. I was really expecting all them to sprout. How would I even know if they have a taproot yet? my soil ph is like 5 to 6 for all them. and at like 79°.
thanks in advance everyone!
second, is for my other 4 still under soil. Any idea why that might be? Just every seed is different? I've watered all them the same times, same amount.. they were all placed in to soil same day. They all come inside when it's too cold outside. I was really expecting all them to sprout. How would I even know if they have a taproot yet? my soil ph is like 5 to 6 for all them. and at like 79°.
thanks in advance everyone!