Sprouting problem?

Hi guys this is my first grow and i need some help.I planted 12 short stuff auto assassin on 12/11 after letting them soak in paper towels for 24 hours i put them in organic soil i got from Osh and put them under 4 23 watt cfls about 3 inches from the top of the cups and i have had only 1 seed come to the top and it has just been sitting their for 2 days i have been watering the soil whenever the top 2 inches dry out the grow room is at about 77F, I also have a plastic tub on top of the cups to keep humidity up.


Active Member
errrrrrrr idk what to say. It doesnt really matter if you let the seeds sit in a paper towel or you just plant them. I like to let my seeds soak in a cup of water over night but in the end all these methods have worked for me. then I put them in a solo cup with soil , I water them and I do not put light on them. I dont think it makes a differnece but the light does tend to dry the dirt out. I actually let them sit in the dark. and some seeds sprout and some dont. about 99% of them do sprout though. on average about 3 days to sprout. if you leave them in the dark you wont have to worry about watering them because the dirt will stay moist.

so anyway good luck maybe you got some bad seeds
thanks for the help i decided I'm going to turn off the lights until they sprout hopefully this will help them keep more moisture in also because i have had problems the last couple days with the soil drying out very fast even to the point where i have to water them 3 times a day. Is there any problem with using Moss based soils? because it seems it is not retaining moisture.


Well-Known Member
do not want seeds to dry out. If they do it will kill em. Get a cheep dome. or make one. plastic wrap over the cup to keep em wet. make sure you have drain holes so you do not flood them. I have 100% germ rate on the last two batches, paper towle wet inbetween two plates on top of the cable box that stays on 24/7 then to jiffy cubes in the dome with light over it.


Well-Known Member
seeds crack and have tap root with in 24 hours. but have had some go all most 48 hours using the cable box


New Member
I have never had an issue with seeds popping, especially when purchased from a bank. I guess I am just lucky. I no longer germ in paper towels. I thought about it and realized, cannabis has been growing wild somewhere on this planet for years. No one goes out and puts all the seeds in paper towels first, LOL! I just let Mother Ganja do the job she is best at.


Well-Known Member
I have never had an issue with seeds popping, especially when purchased from a bank. I guess I am just lucky. I no longer germ in paper towels. I thought about it and realized, cannabis has been growing wild somewhere on this planet for years. No one goes out and puts all the seeds in paper towels first, LOL! I just let Mother Ganja do the job she is best at.
I like to make sure the seed cracks when paying money for the beans. long as it cracks I know it will grow
ok so if the seeds went through about a day of dryness would they be considered dead by now, None of the seeds have Sprouted yet and out of 12 I thought at least one would have sprouted.


Well-Known Member
ok so if the seeds went through about a day of dryness would they be considered dead by now, None of the seeds have Sprouted yet and out of 12 I thought at least one would have sprouted.
Yea there is a chance they died if you dried them out while sprouting them.


Active Member
do not want seeds to dry out. If they do it will kill em. Get a cheep dome. or make one. plastic wrap over the cup to keep em wet. make sure you have drain holes so you do not flood them. I have 100% germ rate on the last two batches, paper towle wet inbetween two plates on top of the cable box that stays on 24/7 then to jiffy cubes in the dome with light over it.
yes I forgot to say when I leave my solo cups in the dark... I also cover the tope of them with suran wrap or a paper plate, anything really to keep the moisture in. I just check them every morning , usually by the 2nd or 3rd day for sure something has sprouted :)


Active Member
ok so if the seeds went through about a day of dryness would they be considered dead by now, None of the seeds have Sprouted yet and out of 12 I thought at least one would have sprouted.

arent those seeds old though? or you just bought them?
Update: I dug up the seeds and 2 of them didn't break the shell the rest looked dead so i scraped them and I decided to also germinate 2 neville's haze seeds purchased from a seed bank the Haze seeds have already broke the soil and the 2 Auto Assassin seeds are still germinating in a paper towel the AA seeds were given to me from friend who purchased them at a dispensary so i pretty sure they were viable seeds but anyways i know my conditions are right cause the NH took 3 days to get to sprout from germination.


Well-Known Member
Thats why a cable box is perfect.I know people will say that in the wild they do not need paper towels or anything else, but in the wild there is not a 100% chance they will make it.
No i don't have a heating mat yetbut i will be getting a seedling mat from Osh hopefully today, the Nevilles haze sprouted its other 2 leaves this morning so all is well, but is it really worth investing in the seedling mat? will it increase seedling growth?
I put mine in a plastic bag next to a heater set at 70F i was shocked that the seeds took 72 hours to germ and only took about 12 hours to sprout from the soil the other 2 seeds that i saved look they will germinate as they have started cracking I'm guessing humidity might have just been high enough before for them to pop.


Well-Known Member
i find wet paper towel in a small glass jar like a relish jar, soaked on a heat mat in the dark works great. also soaking them in water overnight is good too :)

best of luck man