Sprouting question



Last saturday I planted 3 cannabis seeds and put them under a Jiffy 140298 Hydro grow Light, I planted them only knuckle deep in damp soil and have kept it moist ever since. The one sprouted up right after the 4 day mark. Note: They weren't pre-germinated.

The other 2 after 7 days and a few hours have yet to sprout despite being planted under the came conditions/methods. Should I be worried they won't sprout or should I just be patient and wait it out? Is there anything I can try? At what point should I assume they are just dead and wont grow?

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Knuckle deep is too deep. The seed should be about 1/4 to 1/2" under surface. I would take a pair of tweezers and pull back the soil until I found the seed and see whats up? I plant in soil and they are always up in 2 to 5 days.
Knuckle deep is too deep. The seed should be about 1/4 to 1/2" under surface. I would take a pair of tweezers and pull back the soil until I found the seed and see whats up? I plant in soil and they are always up in 2 to 5 days.
I would add very carefully
Knuckle deep is too deep. The seed should be about 1/4 to 1/2" under surface. I would take a pair of tweezers and pull back the soil until I found the seed and see whats up? I plant in soil and they are always up in 2 to 5 days.
Thanks for the advice.

I pulled the soil back very gently with tweezers.

The one seed sunk too deep and was definitely dead.
The other has a quite healthy tap root so I loosened the soil some more and planted it 1/4" deep, hopefully that one sprouts now.

I planted a few more using the advice you all gave. Thanks again!