sprouting seedz

pot smoker

ive been wondering, i wraped 12 black seeds in a wet paper towl n stuck it n my drawr, how long til thay sprout, and how long till i should put them in some soil?:dunce:


Well-Known Member
make sure the paper towel isn't dripping wet.if it is ring t it out (without the seeds in it) and fold in half...arrange your seeds then fold the paper towel in half one more time..Place the paper towel in a zip lock bag and place this in a warm dark area. Out of the last 10 seeds i germinated using this method all 10 "popped" within 36 hours. Hope that helps.


Chronic1.jpg1011101816.jpgI did the exact same thing, paper towel in ziploc germinated two seeds in about 2 and a half days. I stuck them in their first containers today


how many paper towels did you use? am about to receive some seeds too and am a bit nervous.... so do you just use 1 paper towel and fold? or do you use 2 paper towels? for front & back? and is it ok to use toilet paper? just asking since toilet paper comes in two ply so it can give it more heat to germinate?


Well-Known Member
i use 1 paper towel. I fold it in half drizzle some purified (doesn't have to be but I have a huge cooler so i use that) it should be room temperature though (just let it sit out for a half hour) I give the paper towel a light squeeze to let some of the excess water drain and then i arrange my seeds a few inches apart on one side of the paper towel and fold the other side over the top. I place the paper towel in a plastic bag and in warm dark closet (key to this is warm not Hot not Cold and not Cool...Warm ..75 - 80 degrees) Most of my seeds are sprouted within a 24 hour time period the few that have not been i let be for another few hours. This method has NEVER failed to germinate for me at least. remember, when you place your seed into your medium be very and i mean VERY gentle with the exposed root tip. Make sure you plant root tip down! Happy growing and good luck!


Thanks for the info headshots420!!!!

But one thing am confused on.. you place your root tip downwards? Ive always thought it goes upward so the root/plant wont grow side ways or make a wrong turn in the soil letting the leave never to sprout outside the pot leaving her to die?


Well-Known Member
i've always planted them this way and have never had any problems. I grew two bagseed this way that yielded me a little over a QP and i've got 2 bubblelicious, 2 smurfberry, and 1 diesel ryder right now. They were all germinated and sprouted this way. My geminated seeds usually have a fairly long tail and the root tip clearly goes down. While it's true the root tip may curl around the seed I have not experienced this. When i germinate directly in the medium i plant the seed butthole down haha. I'm of course referring to the small circular indent on the bottom of a seed. I currently have 3 bagseed and 1 haze growing in a seperate tent this way. All flowering well might i add.


Since I purchased some seeds with more to go around =)
Am gonna try placing a few downward and upwards... it's the only way am gonna learn with first hand experience.

pot smoker

Plant with the New tail downwards Completely coverd, And have the tip of the seed above ground barely so it can open more Gently

pot smoker

how many paper towels did you use? am about to receive some seeds too and am a bit nervous.... so do you just use 1 paper towel and fold? or do you use 2 paper towels? for front & back? and is it ok to use toilet paper? just asking since toilet paper comes in two ply so it can give it more heat to germinate?
Dont use TOlet paper! it will turn to mush when it gets wet. Just soak them poke a hole in the soil witha screwdriver or something n plant root down.