

Active Member
I am having a hard time getting my seeds to sprout. I soak them in distilled water until they sink and put them in soil but of the dozens of seeds I have planted only one has sprouted (and doing quite well). Does anyone know any tricks i could use because I built too nice of a grow box to just grow one plant that may very well be male.


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Are you letting them germinate long enough? You have to let the seed crack and the root should start to come out of the seed about 1/4 of an inch than its ready for soil :joint::peace::peace::peace:


Active Member
i have left the the seeds in distilled water for several days and the root has never exposed itself. I use a variety of seeds so i know that at least some of my seeds are good. right now i have a dozen seeds which have been planted in peat pellets and it has been 3 days, i know it normally takes longer than that but my luck has been so bad in the past that i just dont have a good feeling


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Ok heres what you need to do. Take a jar ( mason jar ) and fill it with about 1/2 of a centimeter of water, drop the seeds in there and put the jar in a very dark and warm place like a cabinet or in a closet somewhere's just make sure there's no light getting to the seeds.:joint:


Active Member
Hey Hibidydibity (hope I got that right, I'm fried right now):blsmoke:, I find the paper towel method a much more effective way to germinate seeds. Have you tried that?


Active Member
Yeah i tried the paper towel method with no results, but its worth another shot. Will the root expose itself when soaked in water long enough? Or does this only happen when using paper towels? Thanks for the tips


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
the paper towel method isnt the best, its just the most common method people know of using. But ive had the most success with the water in a jar method but there your seeds and your time hope i atleast helped you a little bit :mrgreen:


Active Member
I've never had a seed sprout in water. I don't know, maybe it takes longer than the paper towel method and I'm just not patient enough.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for all of the reassurance. I am very happy to have found a sight where i can ask questions rather than be spoon fed information from other sites.


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Or maybe your not doing it right. You absolutely have to keep them in a dark area also with a temp of atleast 70 degrees or it will not work. I promise its a guaranteed way to germinate. If the seeds dont crack in 2 days ill come to your house and germ them bastards my self.


Active Member
Well i might take you up on that because i do not exactly have a green thumb. by the way does anyone know of a seed site that is not only reliable, but CHEAP?


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Well i might take you up on that because i do not exactly have a green thumb. by the way does anyone know of a seed site that is not only reliable, but CHEAP?
yes use nirvana they have a great january sale going on right now. 10 white widow seeds for 38 bucks. You cant beat that man.