Sprouts Afghan Grow

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In my intro I said I would start a journal as soon as I found some preflowers. Well as promised, "Sprouts Afghan Grow". All posts are welcome so post away!

I started with three seeds and two cracked. Of the two, one is showing female. Here is the setup I have been using for a little over a month now:

-50watt hps
-Miracle-Gro in 4 gallon containers

I got a 150watt hps lamp today for flowering and some bloom-booster for foliar feeding(1/4 strength of directed amount) every other day. I'll flush when she gets dry(about once a week), so those roots stay clean.

I'm going to try cloning with Rootone under my 50watt next week, just before I switch to 12/12. If they don't root, I'll throw some new sprouts under it and pray for more good fortune.

The plants are a foot or more in height with enormous, fat leaves stretching 8"! The pictures will show that I have a small jungle growing in the corner of my house. I had to get an odor absorber this week, because the smell was getting overwhelming. I've named the girl Winter. The other is being a bit stubborn about showing me it's stuff:roll: I've got three pics for ya fresh out of the shower(her first flush): a jungle shot, an overall of the female, and an up the skirt shot of her tight internodes. I left her no modesty:mrgreen: enjoy.

ps a leaf was touching the lamp for a few minutes. See if you can spot it:wink:



Well-Known Member
I started 12/12 today. She is over 16" and has preflowers all over. THought about cloning, but I'll wait for my WW grow before I start cloning. I am going to practice cloning on a couple of sprouts I got growing under the 50watt once they get a little older. I want to see if I can sex their clones under my 150watt.

I've stopped foliar feeding, because the leaves have lost their shine. I'm thinking it is salt build up, but I'm not sure. So, I did the weekly flush, then I feed as directed, a tablespoon per gallon. I also trimmed some leaves under the canopy that were not getting any light.

I have a question about the leaves turning dark, almost black, just before I flush. Is this caused by the lack of water or lack of phosphate? If it's the phosphate, should I be adding something extra to help with this? The flushing fixes it every time, but I'd like to know why it's doing this.

And without further delay, her is pics of my new love...WINTER!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Winter is 20" tall with 11" blades and nuggets everywhere. Now I see why Afghan is great for hashing:hump:

I will harvest once all these hairs start turning tan(1 or 2 months from now). I found some cheap bubble bags and plan on stirring all those giant leaves in a nice icy mix and straining. I'm going to dry the nuggets and use a pollinator to grind just before I vape with vaporbrothers.

After some advice, I decided to stop flushing and I found the dark tips and dry looking leaves were caused by under watering/feeding, not nute lock. I lifted her last week and she was as lite as can be, so I fed until I seen some run off. She drank almost a gallon! After 3 days, I lifted her again and she was almost just as lite:shock: So I fed her another 3 1/2 quarts. That's twice the recommended feeding and she is loving it! I had no ideal how hungry these plants get once they are up in size.

Without further ado, here is Winter



Well-Known Member
The two ways of making hash are dry shifting through a silk screen or mixing water, ice and leaves in several bags with a screen bottom. Do a search on bubble bags to learn more. They are called bubble bags because hash bubbles when heated and maybe from the bubbles caused by the mixer in production. A pollinator is just a herb grinder with a screen which only the thc falls through. I plan on collecting some thc, then vaping the bud bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
She grew 4" in 6 days with lots of nuggets getting much larger. Still feeding twice a week with 3 quarts of water. The two plants under my 50watt hps have stretched so much that I'm pruning them to keep them bushy. I'll clone them, then flower with Winter under the 150watt once they show me their sex in a couple weeks. I've been keeping track of temps lately and they've been around 70 at night and 78 during the day. Other than that, I've just been waiting for some nice hash. Should come around my birthday:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Took a couple of pictures today. I'm keeping with the same feeding and lighting. I noticed THC glands began covering the areas around the buds in the last week or so. I've got a nice shot of it below along with an overall. I'm still having problems with phosphate deficiency on the new leaves. I have seen no burn even though I have been feeding twice that what is recommended. I'm still worried about root lock, so I may end up flushing if I keep seeing a deficiency in the new leaves.



Well-Known Member
Everything is still running smooth even though I didn't flush like I said I would. The bloom booster must have just enough phosphate for a healthy grow because the only place I see a deficiency is on the cola leaves when they are just starting out. As they mature, they turn from a black to a shiny dark green. I'm still feeding with 3 quarts every 3 or 4 days. Overall growth has slowed to half that of two weeks ago(now 27.5" tall) while the cola has grown to 2" in width. I wonder how fat it will be in another month from now:o
She can grow another 2' or so in height before I have to remount my light. If the growth stays the same, I'm expecting less than 40" though.



Well-Known Member
I noticed one of the smaller buds was starting to turn colors a bit. I snaped a picture of it. All the other hairs are still white. I'm still feeding 3 quarts every 4 days and she is looking healthy. So, other than the one bud, nothing has changed.



Well-Known Member
youre doing such a good job!!! they are sooooo beautiful, yummy ummy ive been smoking afganXbig bud for like 2 wks i knw that dif but its sooo yummy


Well-Known Member
youre doing such a good job!!! they are sooooo beautiful, yummy ummy ive been smoking afganXbig bud for like 2 wks i knw that dif but its sooo yummy
Thanks pink and doinit. It's been a while since anyone left a nice comment for me. Didn't realize how good it would feel to have someone give a little praise. I checked out your grow a few days ago. Seems you are a rising star on RIU. Not only can a girl do it, but it seems you do it with style8) and craftsmanship. Congrats

I've never tasted afghan but I'm looking forward to my first toke. I'm hoping it's as yummy as you say it is. This plant has been so easy to grow. If I like the high I'll probably stick with growing it instead of switching to WW. I've read the thc is 20%! I'm kind of worried I'm getting in over my head. It's been about a decade since I smoked. I'm going to spend some time on RIU toke n talk after I empty my first bowlbongsmilie so keep a look out and I hope to see you around!

Now I need to check on doinit69 and see how his babies are doing...



Well-Known Member
sorry still working on getting my grow on here. working 3 jobs so kinda hectic. That close up pic makes my mouth water! its looks sugar coated!! yumm indeed! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks pink and doinit. It's been a while since anyone left a nice comment for me. Didn't realize how good it would feel to have someone give a little praise. I checked out your grow a few days ago. Seems you are a rising star on RIU. Not only can a girl do it, but it seems you do it with style8) and craftsmanship. Congrats

I've never tasted afghan but I'm looking forward to my first toke. I'm hoping it's as yummy as you say it is. This plant has been so easy to grow. If I like the high I'll probably stick with growing it instead of switching to WW. I've read the thc is 20%! I'm kind of worried I'm getting in over my head. It's been about a decade since I smoked. I'm going to spend some time on RIU toke n talk after I empty my first bowlbongsmilie so keep a look out and I hope to see you around!

Now I need to check on doinit69 and see how his babies are doing...

the thc is real high and mine mixed w/ the big bud gives it a wonderful kick!!!i love the high so peaceful and happy....but also quite duuuuhhhh at times...seriously this is one of my new all time favs...its gotta be simliar to what youll have my nugs are soooo pretty too and smell sooo goood!!!! huge nugs too


Well-Known Member
not my grow though just my hook up...lol just to be clear but im serioulsy thinkin of asking my boy to ask the man if he has a cutting he would give a sexy girl grower...cuz i fuckin love it!!!


Well-Known Member
So, I plucked one of the berrys today and ... hold on...bongsmilie


I'll have to get back to ya...typing is kind of fucked up right now...:joint:
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