Sprung Bags, Bubble hash

have been looking into bubble bags for a while
just ordred some of these sprung bags from the website(5 bag 5 gallon)
looks like amazing quality for the price!

anyone got any input on these bags?
how do they compare to actual bubble bags?

seems like these were waaaay better than spending 200$ on a four bag system for just a brand name
NOOOOO DONT BUy THOSE!!! J/K but seriously why ask how good they are after you order them? I think there are som good bags on ebay for like 75 for a 5 bag 5gallon but those do seem to be quality construction. Let us know how they turn out!
I use sprung bags and I am happy. I have not used anything else so I can not compare them to anything else. They work good though.
got them in the mail, customer service was awesome theey threw me an extra pressing screen. exact same as bubble bag brands without destroying your wallet.
I have my great sprung bags and wonderful colas..The bags came with no instructions..The gonja is to good to make a mistake..can some one tell me how to make the finest bubble hash I can produce...I am a 62 year old cancer surivor who wants quality not quanity...my email is [email protected]
Big thanks from a old peace child
Apparently they are no longer legit! Ordered a bag, got charged, and they never delivered! spread the word, sprunbags is ripping people off!
I also ordered the 5 bag set a month ago with no delivery. I have emailed repeatedly with no response.

Avoid Sprung Bags!!!